一、徵聘職稱及名額: 助理教授(含)以上2名二、所需資格條件:1. 具光電工程領域相關博士學位。2. 符合光通訊、光學工程、顯示科技及光電材料與元件等相關領域,且有國際合作及英語授課能力為優先。3. 新聘專任教師著作最低要求須符合本校新聘專任教師資格審查要點相關規定。4. 依技術及職業教育法第二十五條:「技職校院專業科目或技術科目之教師,應具備一年以上與任教領域 相關之業界實務工作經驗。」。三、檢附資料:1. 應徵專任教師個人資料表(表格電子檔置本校人事室網站:https://per.ntut.edu.tw/var/file/25/1025/img/1173/360767024.odt)2. 學經歷證件影本(尚未領有教師資格證書者,如持國外學歷者,學位證書及成績單均須事先向駐外單位辦理驗證,尚須提供國外修業情形一覽表及修業前後與修業期間入出境紀錄。3. 身分證影本(正反面,並請簽名於上)。4. 填具「擬任人員聲明書」並簽章。(表格電子檔置本校人事室網站:https://per.ntut.edu.tw/var/file/25/1025/img/1173/537574832.pdf)5. 推薦函二封。6. 出具1年以上與任教科目相關業界實務工作經驗證明。7. 外籍人士請檢附「警察刑事紀錄證明」(Police Criminal Record Certificate)。8. 研究著作目錄及重要著作影本(含博士論文摘要,論文著作請加註SCI、EI、Impact Factor及Ranking),並請填具「本校電資學院光電工程系各級新聘教師最低著作要求聲明書」。9. 填寫本校電資學院新聘教師點數核算表:https://eecs.ntut.edu.tw/var/file/16/1016/img/1884/453716460.odt。10.大學(含)以上成績單。11.可任教科目(註明是否能英語授課)。12.教師證書影本(並請簽名於上),未具有教師證書者請提供博士論文。13.「新聘專任教師評審表」,表格電子檔置本校光電工程系/最新公告-本項職缺之附檔:https://eo.ntut.edu.tw/p/406-1069-140509,r47.php?Lang=zh-tw 備註:1、以上資料除第7、12項外,缺一不可,應徵資料概不退還,請依序排列。2、應徵前請詳閱本校「新聘教師限期升等辦法」規定。(內容請詳見人事室網頁)。3、有關新聘專任教師著作最低要求,請參閱本校電資學院網站法規辦法:https://eecs.ntut.edu.tw/var/file/16/1016/img/1884/453716460.odt4、依「技術及職業教育法」第26條規定,每任教滿6年應至與技職校院合作機構或與任教領域有關之產業,進行至少半年以上與專業或技術有關之研習或研究。5、外籍人士並請檢附「警察刑事紀錄證明」(Police Criminal Record Certificate)。6、「本校電資學院光電工程系各級新聘教師最低著作要求聲明書」請至本系徵才公告下載: https://eo.ntut.edu.tw/p/406-1069-140509,r47.php?Lang=zh-tw。7、本校公告網址https://per.ntut.edu.tw/p/406-1025-140481,r2114.php?Lang=zh-tw◎收件截止日:113年12月31日止(以郵戳為憑),資料請寄至:106344台北市忠孝東路三段1號光電工程系(億光635室),賴宏睿先生 收,電子信箱: david11815@ntut.edu.tw。
徵才訊息 / 2024-10-04
Making the Invisible Visible: Searching for Fundamental Laws of Nature-如何看見隱形的基本粒子-探索自然的基本法則
Making the Invisible Visible: Searching for Fundamental Laws of Nature-如何看見隱形的基本粒子-探索自然的基本法則
學會公告 / 2024-09-25
國立臺灣大學材料科學與工程學系徵求助理教授、副教授、或教授1~3名起聘日期: 2025年8月1日專長領域:(1)新興材料
(4)電子材料(5)能源材料資格:具材料或理工相關系所博士學位,在研究上有傑出表現者,且須具有英文授課能力。來函備妥: (1)詳細學經歷表及著作目錄表(2)學位證書影本(通過面試階段之申請者,若具國外學歷,其國外學歷畢業證書須經駐外單位認證)(3)三位推薦人之電子郵件信箱(申請助理教授者,其推薦人應含博士論文指導教授)(4)大學及研究所成績單影本(5)5年內代表與參考著作共3-5篇(6)可以英文授課之2-3門課程(提供課程大綱)。目前本系有下列課程需求:物理陶瓷、陶瓷複合材料、電子陶瓷、電子構裝、電子材料相關課程、高分子化學、高分子物理化學、高分子物理、高分子複合材料、高分子加工(流變學)、或其他新興材料相關課程(7)簡述未來研究方向薪資待遇:獲聘者除支領編制內人員薪資外,本系並可協助申請其他彈性加給,包括玉山(青年)學者計畫、國立臺灣大學拔萃講座及拔萃學者計畫、延攬及留住大專校院特殊優秀人才實施彈性薪資方案等。截止日期:2024年11月22日,採隨到隨審。逕寄「106台北市羅斯福路四段一號國立台灣大學材料科學與工程學系系主任」。網址:http://www.mse.ntu.edu.tw Email:msentu@ntu.edu.tw-----------------Multiple Tenure-track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University AvailableGeneral Requirements:1-3 tenure-track faculty positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Dept. of MSE) of National Taiwan University are available, with the appointments beginning on August 1st, 2025.Qualifications for application include a Ph.D. degree in materials science or a science/engineering discipline, an outstanding research record, and specialty in at least one of the following areas:(1) emergent materials(2) ceramic materials and ceramic-based composites(3) polymer science and soft materials(4) energy materials(5) electronic materials.The ability to teach in English is also required.Application Information:All applicants must submit their applications via mail to the Chair of the Dept. of MSE at the address “No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)” before the November 22nd, 2024 deadline to apply.The following information must be included in the application:(1) C.V.(2) Copy of Ph.D. diploma. Note: for candidates with a Ph.D. degree from an overseas institution, their copies will have to be certified by an overseas embassy/consular/office of R.O.C. (Taiwan) if they reach the finalist stage of the hiring process.(3) E-mail addresses of three referees; applicants for an assistant professor position should include their doctoral dissertation supervisor(s) in the three referees.(4) Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts.(5) Reprints of 3-5 selected publications published within 5 years of application.(6) Brief statement of future research undertaking.(7) Brief statement of teaching plans and course outlines for 2-3 courses that the candidate would be able to teach in English.Currently, the Dept. of MSE is looking for candidates planning to offer some of the following courses: ceramic physics, ceramic-matrix composites, electronic ceramics, electronic packaging, electronic materials-related courses, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry of polymers, polymer physics, polymer composites, polymer processing (rheology), and other courses related to emergent materials. Compensations:Compensations are determined according to government-published scales. There are several regularly available opportunities for merit-based bonus pay for new hires, including Yushan Scholars and Yushan Young Scholars Programs of the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Scholars Program of National Taiwan University, Merit Pay for Recruiting and Retaining Exceptionally Outstanding Faculty Members Programs of the Ministry of Education, and Outstanding Talent Foundation Program. The department offers assistance to eligible new hires in applying for such programs. Faculty Recruiting CommitteeDepartment of Materials Science and EngineeringNational Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei 10617, TaiwanWebsite: http://www.mse.ntu.edu.twE-mail: msentu@ntu.edu.tw
(4)電子材料(5)能源材料資格:具材料或理工相關系所博士學位,在研究上有傑出表現者,且須具有英文授課能力。來函備妥: (1)詳細學經歷表及著作目錄表(2)學位證書影本(通過面試階段之申請者,若具國外學歷,其國外學歷畢業證書須經駐外單位認證)(3)三位推薦人之電子郵件信箱(申請助理教授者,其推薦人應含博士論文指導教授)(4)大學及研究所成績單影本(5)5年內代表與參考著作共3-5篇(6)可以英文授課之2-3門課程(提供課程大綱)。目前本系有下列課程需求:物理陶瓷、陶瓷複合材料、電子陶瓷、電子構裝、電子材料相關課程、高分子化學、高分子物理化學、高分子物理、高分子複合材料、高分子加工(流變學)、或其他新興材料相關課程(7)簡述未來研究方向薪資待遇:獲聘者除支領編制內人員薪資外,本系並可協助申請其他彈性加給,包括玉山(青年)學者計畫、國立臺灣大學拔萃講座及拔萃學者計畫、延攬及留住大專校院特殊優秀人才實施彈性薪資方案等。截止日期:2024年11月22日,採隨到隨審。逕寄「106台北市羅斯福路四段一號國立台灣大學材料科學與工程學系系主任」。網址:http://www.mse.ntu.edu.tw Email:msentu@ntu.edu.tw-----------------Multiple Tenure-track Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University AvailableGeneral Requirements:1-3 tenure-track faculty positions at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (Dept. of MSE) of National Taiwan University are available, with the appointments beginning on August 1st, 2025.Qualifications for application include a Ph.D. degree in materials science or a science/engineering discipline, an outstanding research record, and specialty in at least one of the following areas:(1) emergent materials(2) ceramic materials and ceramic-based composites(3) polymer science and soft materials(4) energy materials(5) electronic materials.The ability to teach in English is also required.Application Information:All applicants must submit their applications via mail to the Chair of the Dept. of MSE at the address “No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)” before the November 22nd, 2024 deadline to apply.The following information must be included in the application:(1) C.V.(2) Copy of Ph.D. diploma. Note: for candidates with a Ph.D. degree from an overseas institution, their copies will have to be certified by an overseas embassy/consular/office of R.O.C. (Taiwan) if they reach the finalist stage of the hiring process.(3) E-mail addresses of three referees; applicants for an assistant professor position should include their doctoral dissertation supervisor(s) in the three referees.(4) Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts.(5) Reprints of 3-5 selected publications published within 5 years of application.(6) Brief statement of future research undertaking.(7) Brief statement of teaching plans and course outlines for 2-3 courses that the candidate would be able to teach in English.Currently, the Dept. of MSE is looking for candidates planning to offer some of the following courses: ceramic physics, ceramic-matrix composites, electronic ceramics, electronic packaging, electronic materials-related courses, polymer chemistry, physical chemistry of polymers, polymer physics, polymer composites, polymer processing (rheology), and other courses related to emergent materials. Compensations:Compensations are determined according to government-published scales. There are several regularly available opportunities for merit-based bonus pay for new hires, including Yushan Scholars and Yushan Young Scholars Programs of the Ministry of Education, Outstanding Scholars Program of National Taiwan University, Merit Pay for Recruiting and Retaining Exceptionally Outstanding Faculty Members Programs of the Ministry of Education, and Outstanding Talent Foundation Program. The department offers assistance to eligible new hires in applying for such programs. Faculty Recruiting CommitteeDepartment of Materials Science and EngineeringNational Taiwan UniversityNo. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt RoadTaipei 10617, TaiwanWebsite: http://www.mse.ntu.edu.twE-mail: msentu@ntu.edu.tw
徵才訊息 / 2024-09-19
國立臺灣大學重點科技研究學院 誠徵專任教師
* 積體電路設計與自動化領域:下世代通訊、人工智慧、嵌入式處理器/記憶體、硬體安全、量子運算、超低功耗運算與感測器、2.5D/3D異質整合、前瞻製程等領域(但不限於)之積體電路系統設計與設計自動化技術* 元件材料與異質整合領域:下世代電晶體與記憶體元件、三維電路與異質整合、新穎半導體材料成長、量子運算與量子通訊之關鍵元件與材料、前瞻技術節點之元件與製程整合技術、新興半導體領域相關技術* 奈米工程與科學領域 : [理論模擬]半導體工程中的數位預測過程模擬(數位孿生)、半導體元件的多尺度模擬或多重物理模擬、低維度半導體表面與介面計算模擬、計算材料物理、量子計算 [半導體奈米元件工程與科學]低維度(含一維或二維)半導體材料、半導體奈米元件製程與應用技術、半導體奈米元件精密量測、量子光子學* 精準健康領域: 具有智慧醫療、精準健康、醫療器材或醫學影像相關之教學研究或研發經驗者
1. 具備電機、資訊、材料、物理、化學、機械、化工、理工、醫學等相關科系專業領域之博士學位。
2. 具英文授課能力,每學年至少兩門研究所課程以英文授課。
3. 具國際交流與國際合作經驗,另具產業經驗尤佳。
二、起聘日期:預計 114 年 8 月 1 日三、申請資料:
1. 求職函
2. 個人履歷表,需附著作目錄並簡述未來教學研究方向
3. 代表性著作影本(近五年發表之論文著作 1~3 篇)
4. 推薦信(至少3封,由推薦人簽名後逕郵寄或email) 5. 博士學位證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本,外國學歷須經駐外單位認證)四、備註:1. 經初審資格符合者,須備妥【送審著作目錄表】、【代表著作合著人證明】電子檔送至本學院。2. 本院將以電話或 email 通知邀請公開演講(時間與形式另行安排)。 五、收件日期及方式: 請於 113 年 10 月 31 日前將申請資料,寄送 PDF 電子檔至院辦承辦人林詩芸小姐Email:shihyun@ntu.edu.tw重點科技研究學院網址:https://gsat.ntu.edu.tw
* 積體電路設計與自動化領域:下世代通訊、人工智慧、嵌入式處理器/記憶體、硬體安全、量子運算、超低功耗運算與感測器、2.5D/3D異質整合、前瞻製程等領域(但不限於)之積體電路系統設計與設計自動化技術* 元件材料與異質整合領域:下世代電晶體與記憶體元件、三維電路與異質整合、新穎半導體材料成長、量子運算與量子通訊之關鍵元件與材料、前瞻技術節點之元件與製程整合技術、新興半導體領域相關技術* 奈米工程與科學領域 : [理論模擬]半導體工程中的數位預測過程模擬(數位孿生)、半導體元件的多尺度模擬或多重物理模擬、低維度半導體表面與介面計算模擬、計算材料物理、量子計算 [半導體奈米元件工程與科學]低維度(含一維或二維)半導體材料、半導體奈米元件製程與應用技術、半導體奈米元件精密量測、量子光子學* 精準健康領域: 具有智慧醫療、精準健康、醫療器材或醫學影像相關之教學研究或研發經驗者
1. 具備電機、資訊、材料、物理、化學、機械、化工、理工、醫學等相關科系專業領域之博士學位。
2. 具英文授課能力,每學年至少兩門研究所課程以英文授課。
3. 具國際交流與國際合作經驗,另具產業經驗尤佳。
二、起聘日期:預計 114 年 8 月 1 日三、申請資料:
1. 求職函
2. 個人履歷表,需附著作目錄並簡述未來教學研究方向
3. 代表性著作影本(近五年發表之論文著作 1~3 篇)
4. 推薦信(至少3封,由推薦人簽名後逕郵寄或email) 5. 博士學位證書影本(或即將取得博士學位之權責單位開立之證明文件正本,外國學歷須經駐外單位認證)四、備註:1. 經初審資格符合者,須備妥【送審著作目錄表】、【代表著作合著人證明】電子檔送至本學院。2. 本院將以電話或 email 通知邀請公開演講(時間與形式另行安排)。 五、收件日期及方式: 請於 113 年 10 月 31 日前將申請資料,寄送 PDF 電子檔至院辦承辦人林詩芸小姐Email:shihyun@ntu.edu.tw重點科技研究學院網址:https://gsat.ntu.edu.tw
徵才訊息 / 2024-09-12
【2025台灣物理年會暨國家科學及技術委員會計畫成果發表會2025 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan】 開始註冊了
The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan is open for registration!
Join us for Taiwan's top physics event—https://tps2025.conf.tw
Deadline for online registration: 24:00, November 30, 2024
The 2025 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan is open for registration!
Join us for Taiwan's top physics event—https://tps2025.conf.tw
Deadline for online registration: 24:00, November 30, 2024
學會公告 / 2024-09-09
恭喜以下三位同學 ~
學會公告 / 2024-09-02
本會每年遴選會員中研究傑出或對於物理社群及物理教育等具重要貢獻者給予會士資格申請時間:即日起至9月30日止推薦表格: https://www.ps-taiwan.org/tw/modules/filelist/main/flist/5
學會公告 / 2024-08-30
粒子與場學部組織辦法 / 2024-08-30
國立屏東大學應用物理系徵聘專任教師公告一、增聘師資:專任助理教授(含)以上教師。二、名額:1名。三、專長領域及資格:專長為凝態物理(半導體、光電、材料、量子技術…等)相關研究領域並具有博士學位(若為博士候選人須出具論文口試通過之正式證明且最晚須於新聘教師遴聘小組面試前取得博士學位) 且具英語教學能力。四、收件截止日:113年11月22日前(郵戳為憑)五、擬起聘日期:114年8月1日。六、聯絡人:應用物理系胡小姐,聯絡電話:(08)7663800分機33401。七、詳細徵聘教師公告資訊請查詢下列網址:https://pers.nptu.edu.tw/p/404-1017-174324.php?Lang=zh-tw
徵才訊息 / 2024-08-29
學會公告 / 2024-08-27
Institute of Physics,
Academia Sinica
Taipei, TaiwanThe Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for
tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of particle and gravitational physics,
physics of active and biological systems, and quantum materials physics. Areas of
particular interest include, but are not limited to, granular and soft matter, cell
biophysics, physics of biomolecules and polymers, statistical physics, and fluidic
phenomena. The recruitment is generally targeted at the Assistant Research Fellow
level, but candidates with exceptional qualifications will be considered at more
senior ranks.
As Academia Sinica is the most prominent research institution in Taiwan, our
institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in physics research. Faculty can
enjoy doing research in a well-equipped environment, and have the chance to
apply for various research projects funded by the government or Academia Sinica
itself, for example NSTC 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholar Program,
Academia Sinica Career Development Award, Academia Sinica Early-Career
Investigator Research Achievement Award, etc.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or related areas,
and preferably at least two years of postdoctoral experience. She/he is expected
to continue a strong tradition of the Institute in earning international recognitions
in her/his research fields.
The application materials should be submitted via the AcademicJobsOnline, and
should include a cover letter describing the major accomplishments of the
applicant, a curriculum vitae, complete publication list selecting up to five
representative journal publications, a statement on future research directions and
plans, and the names and contacts of at least three senior scientists who can
provide references (or arrange the recommendation letters to be submitted
directly via the AcademicJobsOnline https://reurl.cc/jylXO2).The recruitment starts now until the positions are filled.
Institute of Physics,
Academia Sinica
Taipei, TaiwanThe Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for
tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of particle and gravitational physics,
physics of active and biological systems, and quantum materials physics. Areas of
particular interest include, but are not limited to, granular and soft matter, cell
biophysics, physics of biomolecules and polymers, statistical physics, and fluidic
phenomena. The recruitment is generally targeted at the Assistant Research Fellow
level, but candidates with exceptional qualifications will be considered at more
senior ranks.
As Academia Sinica is the most prominent research institution in Taiwan, our
institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in physics research. Faculty can
enjoy doing research in a well-equipped environment, and have the chance to
apply for various research projects funded by the government or Academia Sinica
itself, for example NSTC 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholar Program,
Academia Sinica Career Development Award, Academia Sinica Early-Career
Investigator Research Achievement Award, etc.
The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or related areas,
and preferably at least two years of postdoctoral experience. She/he is expected
to continue a strong tradition of the Institute in earning international recognitions
in her/his research fields.
The application materials should be submitted via the AcademicJobsOnline, and
should include a cover letter describing the major accomplishments of the
applicant, a curriculum vitae, complete publication list selecting up to five
representative journal publications, a statement on future research directions and
plans, and the names and contacts of at least three senior scientists who can
provide references (or arrange the recommendation letters to be submitted
directly via the AcademicJobsOnline https://reurl.cc/jylXO2).The recruitment starts now until the positions are filled.
徵才訊息 / 2024-08-27
114學年度 國立中央大學物理系求才
件透過Academicjobsonline ( https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122 ) 網站上傳申
二、起聘時間:民國114年8月1日三、擬聘領域:無特定限制,歡迎各物理領域申請。四、聯 絡 人:楊仲準教授(e-mail: chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw); 劉怡貞 (e-mail:
ncu5300@ncu.edu.tw, TEL: 03-4253749)五、聯絡地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學 物理系辦公室
Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics at National Central University, Taiwan.The Department of Physics ( https://www.phy.ncu.edu.tw ) at National Central University in Taoyuan, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track positions with the appointment starting on August 1, 2025. Applicants in all areas of physics are welcome. Successful candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program, obtain research funding, commit to excellent teaching, and supervise students.The application materials should be submitted through Academicjobsonline (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122). Complete applications should include a cover letter, a full curriculum vitae with a complete publication record, a research statement, and a teaching statement. Candidates should arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be submitted through Academicjobsonline. To ensure full consideration, all application materials should be received before November 30, 2024. Any queries about the position should be directed to Professor Chun-Chuen Yang ( chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw )
件透過Academicjobsonline ( https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122 ) 網站上傳申
二、起聘時間:民國114年8月1日三、擬聘領域:無特定限制,歡迎各物理領域申請。四、聯 絡 人:楊仲準教授(e-mail: chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw); 劉怡貞 (e-mail:
ncu5300@ncu.edu.tw, TEL: 03-4253749)五、聯絡地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學 物理系辦公室
Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics at National Central University, Taiwan.The Department of Physics ( https://www.phy.ncu.edu.tw ) at National Central University in Taoyuan, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track positions with the appointment starting on August 1, 2025. Applicants in all areas of physics are welcome. Successful candidates are expected to establish a strong and independent research program, obtain research funding, commit to excellent teaching, and supervise students.The application materials should be submitted through Academicjobsonline (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28122). Complete applications should include a cover letter, a full curriculum vitae with a complete publication record, a research statement, and a teaching statement. Candidates should arrange for three confidential letters of reference to be submitted through Academicjobsonline. To ensure full consideration, all application materials should be received before November 30, 2024. Any queries about the position should be directed to Professor Chun-Chuen Yang ( chunchuenyang@ncu.edu.tw )
徵才訊息 / 2024-08-22