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 【2024諾貝爾物理獎之前世今生】中研院物理所 2024 SPECIAL 通識演講

【2024諾貝爾物理獎之前世今生】中研院物理所 2024 SPECIAL 通識演講

* 有興趣參加者,敬請於11/25(一)前完成線上報名。- 演講當天將提供直播觀看 ( 親臨現場聆聽者,請事先完成線上報名 (【題 目 (Title): 從伽伐尼到霍普菲爾德:兩世紀的計算神經科學旅程如何奠定了現代人工智慧 (From Galvani to Hopfield: How A Two-Century Journey in Neural Computation Leading to Modern AI)】日 期 (Date): November 28, 2024 (Thu.)地 點 (Place): 物理所1樓演講廳 1F, Auditorium, Institute of Physics時 間 (Time): 14:00-15:10演講者 (Speaker): 羅中泉教授 (Professor Chung-Chuan Lo)所屬機構 (Institute): 國立清華大學系統神經科學研究所 (Institute of Systems Neuroscience, National Tsing Hua University)摘 要(Abstract):在過去的兩個世紀中,我們在神經計算的知識上的演進為現代人工智慧奠定了基礎。本演講將從路易吉·伽伐尼(Luigi Galvani)於1780年發現神經傳遞電訊號開始,追溯關鍵的里程碑,包括霍奇金-赫胥黎模型(Hodgkin-Huxley model)——艾倫·霍奇金(Alan Hodgkin)和安德魯·赫胥黎(Andrew Huxley)因此獲得了1963年的諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎——該模型數學地描述了神經元如何產生和傳播動作電位。 接下來,我們將探討從單一神經元到神經網路的理論科學演進,除了介紹幾個重要的理論與模型,重點將放在介紹由約翰·霍普菲爾德(John J. Hopfield)提出的霍普菲爾德網路。霍普菲爾德與傑佛瑞·辛頓(Geoffrey Hinton)共同獲得了2024年諾貝爾物理學獎。本次演講將帶大家瀏覽這段非凡的科學旅程,介紹那些導致現代人工智慧的關鍵發展,並向今年諾貝爾獎所表彰的先驅者致敬。 接下來,我們將探討從單一神經元到神經網路的理論科學演進,除了介紹幾個重要的理論與模型,重點將放在介紹由約翰·霍普菲爾德(John J. Hopfield)提出的霍普菲爾德網路。霍普菲爾德與傑佛瑞·辛頓(Geoffrey Hinton)共同獲得了2024年諾貝爾物理學獎。本次演講將帶大家瀏覽這段非凡的科學旅程,介紹那些導致現代人工智慧的關鍵發展,並向今年諾貝爾獎所表彰的先驅者致敬。Over the past two centuries, our understanding of neural computation has evolved dramatically, laying the foundation for modern artificial intelligence. Beginning with Luigi Galvani's 1780 discovery that nerves transmit electrical signals, this lecture traces key milestones, including the Hodgkin-Huxley model—which earned Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley the 1963 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine—for mathematically describing how neurons generate and propagate action potentials. We will then explore the evolution from individual neurons to neural networks, introducing several key theories and models and highlighting the Hopfield network, a groundbreaking contribution of John J. Hopfield, who shared the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics with Geoffrey Hinton. This lecture celebrates this remarkable journey, underscoring the pivotal developments that have led to today's artificial intelligence and honoring the pioneers recognized by this year's Nobel Prize.連 結 (Link): detail.php......演講語言 (Language): in English===========================================【題 目 (Title): 當人造虛擬進入物理真實 (When Artificial Virtuality Enters Physical Reality)】時 間 (Time): 15:30-16:40演講者 (Speaker): 王道維教授 (Prof. Daw-Wei Wang)所屬機構 (Institute): 國立清華大學物理系/人文社會AI應用與發展研究中心 (Department of Physics and Research Center for Applications and Development of AI in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Tsing Hua University)摘 要(Abstract):2024年諾貝爾物理獎頒給AI教父Geoffrey Hinton,引發了許多爭議。Hinton雖非物理學家,但他所推動的類神經網路技術在各領域大放異彩,使原本屬於資工演算法的機器學習,意外被視為物理研究的成果而得獎。此次我將先簡要回顧Hinton的求學和研究歷程,以基礎的物理概念來說明類神經網路的本質,並解釋後來如何演化成為當今人工智慧領域最成功的演算法---深度學習。在簡介幾個應用於物理研究的例子後,我也將說明AI的應用與其潛在的問題如何對人文社會領域帶來重大的影響。這是為何Hinton於2023年選擇離開Google、對自己發明深度學習表達後悔,反而積極呼籲暫緩當前的AI發展,免得危及人類自身。面對AI這個人類歷史上最具跨領域且顛覆性的技術,這次的諾貝爾物理獎在科學史上顯然具有典範性的獨特意義。The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Geoffrey Hinton, a pioneer of AI, sparking significant controversy. Although Hinton is not a physicist, the neural network technology he advanced has achieved remarkable success across various fields, leading machine learning—originally a branch of computer science—to be unexpectedly recognized as a contribution to physics research. In this talk, I will begin with a brief overview of Hinton's educational and research journey, explaining the essence of neural networks using fundamental physics concepts. I will then explore how these networks evolved into deep learning, now the most successful algorithm in artificial intelligence. After introducing several examples of AI applications in physics research, I will discuss the profound impact—and potential risks—of AI on the humanities and social sciences. This context helps explain why Hinton left Google in 2023, expressed regret over his role in creating deep learning, and began advocating for a slowdown in AI development to safeguard humanity. As one of the most interdisciplinary and disruptive technologies in human history, AI’s recognition with a Nobel Prize in Physics clearly represents a paradigmatic milestone in the history of science.連 結 (Link): detail.php......演講語言 (Language): in Mandarin接待人 (Host): 張元翰(Chang, Yuan-Hann) 博士聯絡人 (Contact): 洪敏玲 +866-2-2789-6750
活動資訊 / 2024-11-20
 【孔恩之夜|《世界是複數的:孔恩的最後著作集》】 分享會活動

【孔恩之夜|《世界是複數的:孔恩的最後著作集》】 分享會活動

【孔恩之夜|《世界是複數的:孔恩的最後著作集》】分享會活動現正報名中 ~孔恩作為全世界最有影響力的科學哲學、科學史學家之一,他的思想在科學界、哲學界、社會科學界、傳播界皆受到廣泛的討論,其著作《哥白尼革命》、《科學革命的結構》亦被視為必讀的經典。1962年所出版的《科學革命的結構》,自出版後被廣泛翻譯為多國語言,且時至今日各國仍持續再版中,可見其引響力。而本書中提及的「典範轉移」理論,依然被科學史學家們作為檢視科學發展的角度。1985年,傅大為老師、王道還老師與程樹德老師、錢永祥老師聯手翻譯,終於將《科學革命的結構》的翻譯版擴及到了臺灣,然而這麼長時間內,雖然本書經過多次的修訂改版,但始終沒有新的孔恩作品為這甕老酒裝入新瓶。終於在時隔近40年後,傅、王兩位老師又有了機會一同翻譯孔恩的新著作,但不同的是,孔恩已仙逝近30年,而這次翻譯的作品為孔恩的最後手稿。本場活動的與談人為臺灣最瞭解孔恩作品的兩位譯者——傅大為老師、王道還老師之外,也邀請到物理科普大師高涌泉老師擔任主持人。有趣的是,傅&王兩位老師皆曾經與孔恩有過互動,活動當天不僅會與大家討論孔恩的思想與故事,將其思想讓更多人認識之外,或許還會分享兩人與孔恩的互動感想,也藉此機會緬懷、紀念孔恩大師。孔恩作為STS跨領域大師,相信他的思想與理論在各個領域都帶來了諸多的啟發。相信每一個人都可以在本場分享會中更加認識、瞭解孔恩,並在其中找到自己與孔恩思想的共鳴點。活動的報名網址:直播網址:期待台灣物理學會會員的參加。
活動資訊 / 2024-10-18


* 活動名稱:2024 Qracon 學生量子電腦年會
* 活動時間:2024年8月4日
* 年會地點:中央研究院(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)競賽簡章 cfc-P8BEpESHH競賽報名

EntangleTech —全華語市場唯一的前瞻量子教育平台
過去我們以 SQCS(學生量子電腦協會)為名成立,今年正式更名為「前瞻量子教育平台」,並且推出自己的官網,歡迎更多對量子電腦計算有興趣的學子們加入我們。

• 頂尖講者:邀請到張慶瑞老師、鐘楷閔老師、鄭原忠老師以及其他來自全國頂尖研究機構的量子科技專家,分享最新的研究成果和前沿趨勢。
• 實作工作坊:動手體驗量子電腦,親自解密量子運算的神奇力量。
• 交流平台:與來自全國各地的量子愛好者和專業人士互動,拓展人脈,激盪創新火花。
• 未來趨勢:探討量子科技在各行各業的應用,發掘量子時代的無限可能。


活動資訊 / 2024-07-16
 IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)-Application Call Now Open~

IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)-Application Call Now Open~

【IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)-Application Call Now Open】Spread the word! The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) next application call is now open and will close on 30 September 2024.To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme IAEA and Information for applicants IAEA .The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation.The programme aims to inspire and encourage women to pursue a career in the nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually.In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their master’s programme (the amount will vary depending on the duration of the programme, costs associated with tuition as well as location of the studies). Upon completion of their studies, students who pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA, in line with their specialization in the nuclear field, are also provided with a stipend for up to 12 months. The internships may take place at the IAEA or in nuclear organizations in the public or private sector. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional, and networking events. MSCFP recipients also have a chance to become a part of the programme’ s LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can connect with their peers and exchange knowledge and experience, as well as find out about technical events and career opportunities. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 2271 applications, selecting 560 students from 121 nationalities studying in 72 countries worldwide. By end of March 2024, 201 students have already completed their master’s programme with support of MSCFP. From these graduates, 110 have been confirmed for an internship facilitated by the IAEA at the IAEA departments and labs (Seibersdorf and Monaco), IAEA Collaborating Centres, and other nuclear organizations in the public or private sector in various countries The internships are linked to the students’ areas of specialization in fields ranging from nuclear energy, nuclear science and applications, nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear safety and security and nuclear law. The remaining graduates have pursued PhD studies or obtained employment in their field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in the nuclear related field.* More information about the programme:Meet the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme students | IAEA ​ Marie Curie Fellowship Programme
活動資訊 / 2024-07-15


財團法人台北市頤賢文教基金會 - 『侯金堆傑出榮譽獎』公告主 旨: 2024年『侯金堆傑出榮譽獎』即日起受理推薦 說 明:一、獎勵對象:1.對基礎科學-數理、基礎科學-生物、材料科學、金屬冶煉、環境保護、綠建築等領域傑出研究成就或卓著貢獻者。
 (3)舊建築修復、永續使用等對環境友善之成就。四、受理推薦日期:2024年7月1日起至9月30日止。請推薦單位填具如附件之推薦書表(可自行至本會網站下載),連同推薦書表及相關資料 一式四份,逕寄:
聯絡電話:(02)2551-1100 轉 332 吳秘書
傳  真:(02)2562-6620
活動資訊 / 2024-07-03
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