International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023)

International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023), held in Incheon, Korea, from 2nd to 7th July 2023. The SCES 2023 will be an ideal platform where we can freely share and discuss the current status and future directions of scientific and technological achievements in strongly correlated electron systems.In the SCES 2023, we will cover wide-ranging subjects of our field: first and foremost, heavy fermion and the related fields, oxide physics, topological physics, and spin-orbit physics, to name only a few. We will also explore the fast-emerging area of quantum materials and the vast potential they may come to offer.The meeting venue is the city of Incheon, Korea, with the world-class Incheon international airport located half an hour away.You can get to Seoul by an hour trip using superb public transport. Incheon is also a gateway to Korea and the Asian region, most of which can be reached within about two hours of flight. As a metropolitan city with nearly 3 million residents, it offersevery visitor exciting times.We anticipate your kind participation and contributions to continuously strengthening the long and proud tradition of the international, scientific, and multidisciplinary community of SCES.We are looking forward to seeing you in July 2023!Je-Geun Park & Jaejun YuConference Chairs, SCES 2023Website:
活動資訊 / 2023-02-01


-【特殊貢獻獎】張嘉升(中研院物理所)【會士】朱有花(中研院天文所)李景輝(中研院天文所)【中技社傑出物理學術獎】鄭弘泰(清華大學物理系)【傑出年輕物理學者獎】楊湘怡(清華大學天文所)吳品頡(成功大學光電系)【傑出物理教育獎】施奇廷(東海大學應物系)【華人物理學刊優良論文獎】優等莊豐權(中山大學物理系)【產業貢獻獎】蔡文欽董事長(皓展光電股份有限公司)【研究生優良論文獎】特優莊造奇 (台大物理)林再順 (中央物理)王奕誠 (台大物理)優等翁昊丞 (清華物理)曾聖元 (陽明交大物理)施承瑋 (中央物理)許怡謙 (師大光電)周建宇 (台大物理)張晏誠 (中山物理)李荐軒 (台大物理)姜力韶(台大電子)胡皓為 (中央物理)鄭如峯 (北科光電)陳俊諺 (中央物理)邵葆雯 (陽明交大材料)徐允心 (清華天文)何昕玫 (中央物理)【大專生優良論文獎】優良陳柏翰 (清華物理)潘敬揚 (師大物理)林彥興 (清華理院)姚岳廷 (成大物理)佳作林政維 (成大物理)林子婷 (中央物理)蔡乃玉 (台大物理)王柏雅 (淡江物理)黃浡珅 (中山物理)林昕呈 (聯合光電)【吳健雄獎學金】博士級李佳馨 (清大光電)邵葆雯 (陽明交大材料)碩士級徐允心 (清大天文)林家安 (陽明交大電物)劉育伶 (台大材料)學士級從缺 
學會公告 / 2022-12-12
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