28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28

28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28

We are very pleased to announce that the 28th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28 will take place in Tokyo from August 7 to 11, 2023, after a one-year postponement. The community of research scientists in Statistical Physics meets every three years at the STATPHYS Conferences, organized under the sponsorship of the IUPAP. These are the largest general meetings in Statistical Physics ; an occasion when both the latest advances of this science in its traditional domain and the new developing trends in other related fields are examined. However, the whole world is facing a difficult situation, and international travel is restricted due to the COVID-19 crisis. Considering this situation, Statphys28 will be held as a hybrid of an on-site conference at the University of Tokyo and an online conference using a web conference system.The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including traditional aspects of statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium physics, turbulence and nonlinear dynamics, disordered systems and phase transitions, hard and soft condensed matter, as well as modern applications including information theory, quantum systems and mathematics. Statphys international conferences have been held as follows: Buenos Aires (2019), Lyon (2016), Seoul (2013), Cairns (2010), Genova (2007), Bangalore (2004), Cancun (2001), Paris (1998), Xiamen (1995), Berlin (1992), and Rio de Janeiro (1989).Website: https://statphys28.org/index.htmlIn addition to the main event, a series of satellite meetings will be staged in the period preceding and following the conference.Tetsuo Deguchi
On behalf of the Steering Committee and the LOC of Statphys28.
活動資訊 / 2023-03-09
 2023 Falling Walls Lab德國創新挑戰賽在臺灣: 3分鐘改變世界!

2023 Falling Walls Lab德國創新挑戰賽在臺灣: 3分鐘改變世界!

由臺北德國學術交流資訊中心(DAAD)主辦的Falling Walls Lab 創新挑戰賽,與臺灣國家科學及技術委員會(國科會)合作,旨在推動新生代科研發展和創新交流,今(2023)年的比賽將於5月18日舉行,即日起開放報名至4月18日截止,徵求各領域有創意、有革新想法、有抱負的新世代開創者參加!參加資格:年滿18歲,各學科領域的學士/碩士/博士學生、博士後、年輕學者與科研人才,均可報名參加。僅能以個人名義報名,不接受團體參賽。(請注意: 已畢業取得學位者,學士應為10年內、碩士7年內、博士5年內,詳情以官網為準)比賽方式:以英文進行,參賽者利用 3 分鐘的時間介紹自己的研究,清楚闡述想要解決的問題與方案,主要針對科學、創新及發展等項目,演講者須為本人,演講時使用三張簡報,一張介紹姓名、所屬單位機構和題目,另外兩張則為展示內容。報名網址:https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply/taipei/截止日期:2023年4月18日 (線上系統於23:59關閉)比賽時間:2023年5月 18日 (星期四) 下午比賽地點:國家科學及技術委員會 (科技大樓)2020~2022年臺北賽事影片可至DAAD Taiwan的YouTube頻道觀看,全球總決賽與歷年優勝者等更多資訊請參考Falling Walls官方網站:www.falling-walls.com,如有問題請聯繫臺北德國學術交流資訊中心: pr@daad.org.tw。
活動資訊 / 2023-03-07


(一) 職務說明/工作內容
負責大學部物理實驗課教學、教材設計、器材維修、實驗室管理。(二) 資格/條件限制具有(或於到職前取得)物理相關科系之大學以上學位。修過普通物理實驗、實驗物理課程等,具有實驗課程經驗。熟悉電腦文書處理(如Office軟體Word/Excel/Power Point)、寫作能力及基本英語口說能力。認真負責、有良好溝通協調能力與團隊合作特質。(三) 申請期限
即日起起至112年5月1日(星期一)截止(四) 工作待遇依本校研究計畫助理人員工作報酬標準表給薪(第5級起薪,34,430/月,外加僱付勞健保和公提退休)。差假及福利等,皆依本校研究計畫助理人員管理要點規定及相關法令辦理。112年8月1日起聘。(五) 應徵方式請檢附以下資料,合併為一個PDF檔,於112年5月1日(星期一)前e-mail至電子信箱physaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw,郵件主旨請註明「申請物理系教學助教一職」字樣。資料包含個人履歷學位證書或應屆碩士畢業生證明文件學、碩士成績單英語能力證明文件推薦信一封其他有利審核資料申請截止後,進行相關審查作業,資格經審查合格且通過初審者,擇優通知參加第二階段之評審面試,初審未通過者恕不通知。本系將於五月中進行面試,請預留時間。未參加面試或未依前述規定方式繳交資料者,不予受理。本職缺得酌列候補人員最多3名,候補期間3個月。【聯絡承辦人: 許小姐,聯絡電話:07-5252000分機3700】
徵才訊息 / 2023-03-03
 International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023)

International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2023 (SCES 2023), held in Incheon, Korea, from 2nd to 7th July 2023. The SCES 2023 will be an ideal platform where we can freely share and discuss the current status and future directions of scientific and technological achievements in strongly correlated electron systems.In the SCES 2023, we will cover wide-ranging subjects of our field: first and foremost, heavy fermion and the related fields, oxide physics, topological physics, and spin-orbit physics, to name only a few. We will also explore the fast-emerging area of quantum materials and the vast potential they may come to offer.The meeting venue is the city of Incheon, Korea, with the world-class Incheon international airport located half an hour away.You can get to Seoul by an hour trip using superb public transport. Incheon is also a gateway to Korea and the Asian region, most of which can be reached within about two hours of flight. As a metropolitan city with nearly 3 million residents, it offersevery visitor exciting times.We anticipate your kind participation and contributions to continuously strengthening the long and proud tradition of the international, scientific, and multidisciplinary community of SCES.We are looking forward to seeing you in July 2023!Je-Geun Park & Jaejun YuConference Chairs, SCES 2023Website: https://www.sces2023.org/
活動資訊 / 2023-02-01
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