Tenure-Track Faculty Positions of Physics
The Department of Physics at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is seeking to fill several faculty positions at all levels. The preferred areas of specialties, theoretical, computational, and experimental, will be on Quantum Matters, Quantum Computing, Quantum Optics, Astronomy, Cosmology, and other frontier fields of physics.Demonstration of team-spirits, pedagogical inspirations, and abilities to establish sustainable research programs are essential to the qualifications.The expected starting date is 02/01 or 08/01/2022. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in physics or closely-related fields, show convincing interests in mentoring students and be able to teach physics core courses at all levels, many of which lectured all in English. Some postdoctoral experience at international institutions is preferred for junior-rank applicants. Please have CV, list of publications, brief plans of research and teaching, and at least three letters of recommendation sent to Ms. Yu-Ching Hsu at physaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw. Applications will be reviewed as they are received according to the following three deadlines: 09/30/2021, 10/30/2021 and 01/28/2022
徵才訊息 / 2021-09-15

The 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics
Date: July 8th (Thur.) - 9th (Fri.), 2021
Venue: Lecture Hall, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, National Taiwan University (NTU)Registration Web page:
https://sites.google.com/phys.ncts.ntu ... 2021workshop/registrationThe 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, organized by the Focus Groups on Computational Materials Research (CMR), will be held on July 8th-9th 2021, in the National Center for Theoretical Sciences on the campus of National Taiwan University.The aim of this workshop is to promote interactions and collaborations among local physicists who employ first-principles electronic structure calculations in their research. The program will include invited talks delivered by domestic scholars and contributed talks by postdocs or PhD students.The Program Committee would also like to take this opportunity to identify the community members’ interests and concerns in order to plan fruitful and successful activities in the future. All participants, particularly PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, are encouraged to share their latest research results.
Thirty-minute reports by faculty members and thirty or fifteen-minute talks by postdocs or PhD students will be scheduled in the program.Please visit the workshop website for the speakers and more updated information.If you would like to contribute a talk in the workshop, please upload your title and email our secretary by June 15 Jean when you register. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the 19th workshop may be converted to a virtual meeting or postponed. We will continue to closely monitor the pandemic and the government news, and inform all participants if any change occurs.[COVID-19 Issue]1) Please ensure that you bring your own face masks and wear them at all times.
2) Please have your daily body temperature checked at the venue.
3) Please leave the staff your personal cellphone numbers for further contact if needed.
4) This workshop may be postponed or changed to online meeting,
depending on the COVID-19 development.Organizing committee:
Tay-Rong Chang - National Cheng Kung University
Yang-Hao Chan - Academia Sinica
Feng-Chuan Chuang- National Sun-Yat-Sen University
Guang-Yu Guo - National Taiwan University
Horng-Tay Jeng - National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Lin - Academia Sinica
Venue: Lecture Hall, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, National Taiwan University (NTU)Registration Web page:
https://sites.google.com/phys.ncts.ntu ... 2021workshop/registrationThe 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, organized by the Focus Groups on Computational Materials Research (CMR), will be held on July 8th-9th 2021, in the National Center for Theoretical Sciences on the campus of National Taiwan University.The aim of this workshop is to promote interactions and collaborations among local physicists who employ first-principles electronic structure calculations in their research. The program will include invited talks delivered by domestic scholars and contributed talks by postdocs or PhD students.The Program Committee would also like to take this opportunity to identify the community members’ interests and concerns in order to plan fruitful and successful activities in the future. All participants, particularly PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, are encouraged to share their latest research results.
Thirty-minute reports by faculty members and thirty or fifteen-minute talks by postdocs or PhD students will be scheduled in the program.Please visit the workshop website for the speakers and more updated information.If you would like to contribute a talk in the workshop, please upload your title and email our secretary by June 15 Jean when you register. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the 19th workshop may be converted to a virtual meeting or postponed. We will continue to closely monitor the pandemic and the government news, and inform all participants if any change occurs.[COVID-19 Issue]1) Please ensure that you bring your own face masks and wear them at all times.
2) Please have your daily body temperature checked at the venue.
3) Please leave the staff your personal cellphone numbers for further contact if needed.
4) This workshop may be postponed or changed to online meeting,
depending on the COVID-19 development.Organizing committee:
Tay-Rong Chang - National Cheng Kung University
Yang-Hao Chan - Academia Sinica
Feng-Chuan Chuang- National Sun-Yat-Sen University
Guang-Yu Guo - National Taiwan University
Horng-Tay Jeng - National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Lin - Academia Sinica
活動資訊 / 2021-05-31

Web of Science 公佈2019年期刊影響係數(Impact Factor,IF),《華人物理學刊》(Chinese Journal of Physics, CJP)在2019表現持續穩定上升,影響係數由2018年的 2.544 提升至2.638,期刊排名維持在Q2(30/85),以五年期影響係數來說,則是由2015年的0.468提升至2019年的1.849,感謝物理學界同仁們的共同努力,才能創下如此輝煌佳績。CJP發展至今不斷的成長茁壯,編輯團隊來自於國內外各領域的專家學者,協助審稿流程、提升論文品質,總計2020年現有國內編委39名、國外編委11名。在此敬邀國內物理同仁先進,將部分優質研究成果投稿至CJP發表,使CJP未來能與知名物理期刊並駕齊驅。
學會公告 / 2021-05-28

職稱姓名單位會長劉丞恩 Cheng-En Liu國立陽明交通大學NYCU副會長張亞竣Aldrin Chang國立中山大學NSYSU副會長林宏霖Hong-lin Lin國立中央大學NCU秘書長拉布蒂Rapti Ghosh國立中央大學NCU委員吳柏勳Po-Hsun Wu國立清華大學NTHU委員陳德森Chandrasekar Sivakumar國立中興大學NCHU委員葉又瑄Yu-Hsuan Yeh國立中山大學NSYSU
學生分會執行委員會 / 2021-05-28

粒子與場學部組織辦法 / 2021-05-27

其他獎項 / 2021-05-26

歷屆會士名錄 (06/11/2024 更新)https://www.ps-taiwan.org/tw/uploads/f ... 1240 8c70668c7e082a63.pdf
其他獎項 / 2021-05-26

其他獎項 / 2021-05-26

其他獎項 / 2021-05-26