7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science
It is our great pleasure to announce that the 7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science (FMS 2024) will be held in Hsinchu City, Taiwan, from 21st to 24th January 2024. This event continues on the success of the six previous FMS from 2013 to 2022 in Vietnam, Germany, and Japan.7th International Symposium on Frontiers in Materials Science National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, TaiwanJanuary 21st–24th, 2024詳情請掃描QRCode
活動資訊 / 2023-06-15
NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2023
This mini-workshop organized by the Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics (TCA) Thematic Group at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences aims to introduce students to the basics knowledge and state of art of theoretical and computational astrophysics. The main target is the students involved in the Summer Student Program, while anyone who is interested is encouraged to participate.Date: July 3rd- 5thVenue: TBDRegistration deadline: June 18thRegister here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JMM-J ... wform?edit requested=true
活動資訊 / 2023-05-31
TIDC Autumn School On Electron-Ion Collider (EIC)
August 28-30, 2023Taiwan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium, National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan)
Experiments at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will offer opportunities for a detailed investigation of hadron structure and QCD dynamics. In particular, they will allow for the determination of the transverse momentum distributions of partons, and the examination of the role played by gluons inside nucleons. This school is dedicated to introducing relevant knowledge, in both theoretical and experimental aspects, of EIC physics. The target audience will be advanced postgraduate students, postdocs and researchers in the field.
Invited Lecturers:Rolf Ent, Jefferson Lab, USAJamal Jalilian-Marian, The City University of New York, USAZhongbo Kang, UCLA, USARalf Seidl, RIKEN, Japan
For the detailed information, please check here: https://tidc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPress ... s/tidc-eic-autumn-school/
Experiments at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will offer opportunities for a detailed investigation of hadron structure and QCD dynamics. In particular, they will allow for the determination of the transverse momentum distributions of partons, and the examination of the role played by gluons inside nucleons. This school is dedicated to introducing relevant knowledge, in both theoretical and experimental aspects, of EIC physics. The target audience will be advanced postgraduate students, postdocs and researchers in the field.
Invited Lecturers:Rolf Ent, Jefferson Lab, USAJamal Jalilian-Marian, The City University of New York, USAZhongbo Kang, UCLA, USARalf Seidl, RIKEN, Japan
For the detailed information, please check here: https://tidc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPress ... s/tidc-eic-autumn-school/
活動資訊 / 2023-05-23
歡迎報名 2023第一原理材料計算初階課程(至5/18止)
[課程簡介]:廿一世紀是尖端材料科技與生物科技的時代,於是對尖端材料與有機分子微觀結構的瞭解就顯得愈來愈重要,這包括其電子結構、光學性質、溫度的影響、磁的特性、機械的特性等。廿世紀初期由於量子力學的發現,使我們有機會從微觀的角度去探討以上的問題,人們希望尋找一個第一原理的材料計算方法。所謂「第一原理」是指在計算過程中不需要由實驗提供參數,只要知道材料組成的元素便可直接從解其對應的薛丁格方程,求出其所有的物性。但由於這是一個多電子的問題,處理起來非常困難,直到六十年代 W. Kohn 提出局部密度泛函近似理論(LDA)才使這個沉潛多年的問題重露曙光,經過多年電腦模擬計算的驗證,LDA能對非強關性系統提供一個非常好的基態描述,而隨著高速電腦效能的日新月異,使第一原理材料計算方法穩步成長。高科技產業是台灣經濟的命脈,國內需要更多這方面的人才,本中心為推廣第一原理材料計算的研究,將於2023年6月26日至27日舉辦「第一原理材料計算初階課程」,上午上課2小時,下午電腦實習。歡迎對探索尖端材料微結構有興趣的相關系所同學參加。▸ 課程內容: 局部泛函理論、能帶理論、表面現象(如表面重構、表面能、功函數)計算方法。▸ 實習內容:本課程以VASP為實習課的計算程式,塊材的總能計算,電子能帶及能態密度分佈之計算,金屬表面之表層收縮、表面能、及功函數之計算,分子之鍵長及鍵能之計算。 [授課教師]:鄭弘泰教授(國立清華大學物理系) [主辦與協辦單位]主辦單位:國家理論科學研究中心物理組協辦單位:國立清華大學 [時間與地點]日期:6/26-6/27, 2023地點:國立清華大學▸ 課堂講授地點:物理館1F,R124教室▸ 電腦實習地點:綜二館2F,計算機及通訊中心,電腦教室II /電腦教室III >> 線上報名 Registration Now <<報名: https://www.phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw/act/a ... 1249913/home/registration (至5/18止)網站: https://www.phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw/act/actnews/2023-91249913/home 聯絡資訊: Renee Ho/ renee@phys.ncts.ntu.edu.tw
活動資訊 / 2023-05-04
歡迎報名參加 2023NCTS理論計算天文暑期學校!
Date:July 01 - August 31, 2023Website:https://nctstca.github.io/events/202307-tcassp/Purpose
The Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics (TCA) Thematic Group at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences hosts its third undergraduate summer student program in 2023. This program aims to provide research experiences to undergraduate students and equip them with basic theoretical and computational skills. Students will be working under the supervision of domestic astrophysicists, on a wide range of topics from cosmology to planet formation. Frontier techniques in astronomy, problem solving skills, and numerical programing will be learned during this program. Participants are required to present their results publicly at the end of the program. Further continuation of the research project after the summer program can be possible.ProgramJuly 03 - 05 (NTU): The summer program will start with a 3-day workshop. Lectures on basic astrophysics and research overview will be provided. The final program will be released shortly before the beginning of the program. This training course is open to the general public.July 01 - August 31 During the 2-month program, participants will work on their research topics with their supervisors at respective institutes. Local activities may be arranged by the supervisors.August 30-31 (NTHU): Final public oral presentation. Registation:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI ... 3PrFF2--4tDTsjdw/viewform
Registration deadline : 2023/05/07
The Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics (TCA) Thematic Group at the National Center for Theoretical Sciences hosts its third undergraduate summer student program in 2023. This program aims to provide research experiences to undergraduate students and equip them with basic theoretical and computational skills. Students will be working under the supervision of domestic astrophysicists, on a wide range of topics from cosmology to planet formation. Frontier techniques in astronomy, problem solving skills, and numerical programing will be learned during this program. Participants are required to present their results publicly at the end of the program. Further continuation of the research project after the summer program can be possible.ProgramJuly 03 - 05 (NTU): The summer program will start with a 3-day workshop. Lectures on basic astrophysics and research overview will be provided. The final program will be released shortly before the beginning of the program. This training course is open to the general public.July 01 - August 31 During the 2-month program, participants will work on their research topics with their supervisors at respective institutes. Local activities may be arranged by the supervisors.August 30-31 (NTHU): Final public oral presentation. Registation:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI ... 3PrFF2--4tDTsjdw/viewform
Registration deadline : 2023/05/07
活動資訊 / 2023-04-24
2023實驗高能物理暑期學校 歡迎報名參加!
【2023實驗高能物理暑期學校】台灣偵測器聯合實驗室 (Taiwan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium, TIDC) 將主辦「2023年實驗高能物理暑期學校」,今年度由中大物理系協辦。希望透過暑期學校的舉辦,吸引各大學物理系的學生(大三以上)接觸高能實驗的研究領域。暑期學校除了規劃每日上午之高能物理理論與實驗教材相關講座,每日下午將進行實驗實作課程,希望提供學生親手操作實驗之經驗。此次暑期學校尤其歡迎沒有高能物理研究領域大學的學生參與,有機會進一步參與前沿高能物理實驗研究。~ 歡迎一同加入高能實驗領域 ~【重要日期】研習期間:2023 年 6 月 26 日 至 6 月 30 日研習地點:中央大學物理系(健雄館(科四館))報名截止:2023年4月30日,一律採線上申請
【籌備單位】主辦單位:台灣偵測器聯合實驗室協辦單位:臺灣大學物理系 / 中央大學物理系 / 台灣物理學會 粒子與場學部
【聯絡人資訊】臺灣大學物理系 黃小姐電話:02-33668648信箱:chhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
官網連結: https://tidc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPress ... ities/2023-summer-school/
【籌備單位】主辦單位:台灣偵測器聯合實驗室協辦單位:臺灣大學物理系 / 中央大學物理系 / 台灣物理學會 粒子與場學部
【聯絡人資訊】臺灣大學物理系 黃小姐電話:02-33668648信箱:chhuang@phys.ntu.edu.tw
官網連結: https://tidc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPress ... ities/2023-summer-school/
活動資訊 / 2023-04-17
28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28
We are very pleased to announce that the 28th IUPAP International conference on Statistical Physics, Statphys28 will take place in Tokyo from August 7 to 11, 2023, after a one-year postponement. The community of research scientists in Statistical Physics meets every three years at the STATPHYS Conferences, organized under the sponsorship of the IUPAP. These are the largest general meetings in Statistical Physics ; an occasion when both the latest advances of this science in its traditional domain and the new developing trends in other related fields are examined. However, the whole world is facing a difficult situation, and international travel is restricted due to the COVID-19 crisis. Considering this situation, Statphys28 will be held as a hybrid of an on-site conference at the University of Tokyo and an online conference using a web conference system.The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including traditional aspects of statistical mechanics, non-equilibrium physics, turbulence and nonlinear dynamics, disordered systems and phase transitions, hard and soft condensed matter, as well as modern applications including information theory, quantum systems and mathematics. Statphys international conferences have been held as follows: Buenos Aires (2019), Lyon (2016), Seoul (2013), Cairns (2010), Genova (2007), Bangalore (2004), Cancun (2001), Paris (1998), Xiamen (1995), Berlin (1992), and Rio de Janeiro (1989).Website: https://statphys28.org/index.htmlIn addition to the main event, a series of satellite meetings will be staged in the period preceding and following the conference.Tetsuo Deguchi
On behalf of the Steering Committee and the LOC of Statphys28.
On behalf of the Steering Committee and the LOC of Statphys28.
活動資訊 / 2023-03-09
2023 Falling Walls Lab德國創新挑戰賽在臺灣: 3分鐘改變世界!
由臺北德國學術交流資訊中心(DAAD)主辦的Falling Walls Lab 創新挑戰賽,與臺灣國家科學及技術委員會(國科會)合作,旨在推動新生代科研發展和創新交流,今(2023)年的比賽將於5月18日舉行,即日起開放報名至4月18日截止,徵求各領域有創意、有革新想法、有抱負的新世代開創者參加!參加資格:年滿18歲,各學科領域的學士/碩士/博士學生、博士後、年輕學者與科研人才,均可報名參加。僅能以個人名義報名,不接受團體參賽。(請注意: 已畢業取得學位者,學士應為10年內、碩士7年內、博士5年內,詳情以官網為準)比賽方式:以英文進行,參賽者利用 3 分鐘的時間介紹自己的研究,清楚闡述想要解決的問題與方案,主要針對科學、創新及發展等項目,演講者須為本人,演講時使用三張簡報,一張介紹姓名、所屬單位機構和題目,另外兩張則為展示內容。報名網址:https://falling-walls.com/lab/apply/taipei/截止日期:2023年4月18日 (線上系統於23:59關閉)比賽時間:2023年5月 18日 (星期四) 下午比賽地點:國家科學及技術委員會 (科技大樓)2020~2022年臺北賽事影片可至DAAD Taiwan的YouTube頻道觀看,全球總決賽與歷年優勝者等更多資訊請參考Falling Walls官方網站:www.falling-walls.com,如有問題請聯繫臺北德國學術交流資訊中心: pr@daad.org.tw。
活動資訊 / 2023-03-07
「Let's Talk入門課,議起想對策」歡迎對環境永續議題及公共討論具有興趣之青年踴躍參加!
教育部青年發展署舉辦Let's Talk 培訓活動,歡迎對環境永續議題及公共討論具有興趣之青年踴躍參加!請詳見活動網站https://www.youthhub.tw/news/detail?id ... db-4370-b182-24e2bcc2a60b活動報名資訊詳見各場報名連結【台中場】報名連結https://reurl.cc/Dm9bmm報名期間:即日起至112年3月9日(四)止活動時間:3/18(六)活動地點:集思台中新烏日會議中心【台北場】報名連結https://reurl.cc/OV1Rj3報名期間:即日起至112年3月9日(四)止活動時間:3/19(日)活動地點:升級會議中心-松江101館【台南場】報名連結https://reurl.cc/NqjN4e報名期間:即日起至112年3月17日(五)止活動時間:3/26(日)活動地點:大臺南會展中心
活動資訊 / 2023-03-03
2023 APCTP Spring Colloquium, March ~ June
[APCTP Colloquium] Program: 2023 APCTP Spring ColloquiumPeriod: March ~ June, 2023Place: Online via ZOOMPlease refer to the poster below for more information
活動資訊 / 2023-03-02
2023 Taiwan Night Invitation (APS March Meeting)
Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the Physical Society of Taiwan (TPS), we cordially invite you to attend the 2023 Taiwan Night to be held from 4:45 PM to 7:15 PM on Tuesday, 7 March 2023, at the Harrah’s Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The Taiwan Night reception is held in conjunction with the APS March Meeting. The objective of Taiwan Night is to offer a platform for all international scholars to learn about the recent development of Taiwanese physical society and to connect, network, and collaborate within and outside Taiwan. We sincerely invite you to attend the 2023 Taiwan Night. The reception will be served with snacks, desserts, drink and beer at the Harrah’s Las Vegas Ballroom, within 5 minutes’ walk from the Caesars Forum Convention Center. Due to the available space, participants are limited to around 180 people. Please make reservation online (https://www.ps-taiwan.org/en/modules/about/international) at your earliest convenience before Saturday, 18 February 2023. We look forward to seeing you at the 2023 Taiwan Night! Yours sincerely, Prof. Ying-Jer Kao PresidentProf. Chia-Ming Kuo Vice PresidentProf. Tse-Ming Chen Convener of the International Affair Committee--------------------------------------Contact:Yueh-Hsiu Lo(Agnes)Secretary of TPSTel:+886-2-2363-4923/+886 915-750-627Fax:+886-2-2362-6538E-mail:office@ps-taiwan.org
活動資訊 / 2023-02-07
Title:Frontiers of spin-resolving momentum microscopy: towards an 'all-in-one' photoemission experimentSpeaker:Dr. Christian Tusche, Forschungszentrum Juelich, GermanyDate:Feb. 9, 2023 (Thu.)Time:2:00-3:00 PMVenue:A300, NSRRC (Hsinchu) [新竹國家同步輻射研究中心/研光大樓A300會議室]Language:English
活動資訊 / 2023-02-03