AAPPS Bulletin 研究亮點
恭喜國立中山大學物理系 莊豐權教授最新發表文章:Tailoring Topological Phases in Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides榮選為AAPPS Bulletin 研究亮點
學會公告 / 2021-12-21

The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly for 2022
Press release – 3 December 2021 We need more basic sciences to achieve Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This is the message sent to the world by the United Nations General Assembly on 2 December 2021: Member States approved by consensus the resolution 76/A/L.12 promulgating the year 2022 as the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022).With this resolution, the United Nations General Assembly ‘invites all [its] Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and other global, regional and subregional organizations, as well as other relevant stakeholders, including academia, civil society, inter alia, international and national nongovernmental organizations, individuals and the private sector, to observe and raise awareness of the importance of basic sciences for sustainable development, in accordance with national priorities’.The United Nations General Assembly motivated its decision with ‘the high value for humankind of basic sciences’, and with the fact that ‘enhanced global awareness of, and increased education in, the basic sciences is vital to attain sustainable development and to improve the quality of life for people all over the world’. It also stressed that ‘basic sciences and emerging technologies respond to the needs of humankind by providing access to information and increasing the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and societies’. The successes and difficulties of the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic have been for two years a stark reminder of this importance of basic sciences, such as (but not limited to) biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and anthropology.The vote is the result of the mobilization of the international scientific community, led since 2017 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), CERN (The European Laboratory for Particle Physics), and 26 other international scientific unions and research organizations from different parts of the world, under the auspices of UNESCO. Over 90 national and international science academies, learned societies, scientific networks, research and education centers are also supporting this initiative. They will organize events and activities all over the planet during this special year, to showcase and improve the links between basic sciences and the 17 SDGs.The resolution was proposed to the United Nations General Assembly by Honduras, and co-sponsored by 36 other countries. Its vote confirms resolution 40/C 76 adopted unanimously by UNESCO General Conference, 25 November 2019.The International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022) will be officially inaugurated with an opening conference 30 June - 1 July 2022 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Events and activities will be organized around the world until 30 June 2023.Contacts:Michel Spiro, president of the Steering Committee for IYBSSD2022 – michel.spiro@iybssd2022.org Luc Allemand, secretary general of IYBSSD2022 - luc.allemand@iybssd2022.org
學會公告 / 2021-12-09

社團法人台灣物理學-粒子與場學部 第二屆執行委員改選通知函
台灣物理學會粒子與場學部會員 鈞鑒:台灣物理學會(以下簡稱本會)第二屆粒子與場學部執行委員投票作業將於2021年11月22日(星期一)至11月29日(星期一)為止。請粒子與場學部會員線上投票。茲依據粒子與場學部選舉辦法,第1屆卸任前應選出將選出正式委員5名及候補委員3名。推選之執行委員任期為2022年1月~2024年1月。說明如後:一、 選票:至多請圈選5人。二、 投票開始時間:2021年11月22日(星期一)10:00:00
投票結束時間:2021年11月29日(星期一)17:30:00三、 選舉結果將公告於學會網頁。四、 物理學會網址:https://www.ps-taiwan.org/五、 社團法人台灣物理學會粒子與場學部第二屆候選人簡介,請下載附件檔案查看。六、 聯絡人:何路德 e-mail:conf@ps-taiwan.org電話:(02)2363-4923 傳真:(02)2362-6538 台灣物理學會 敬啟
投票結束時間:2021年11月29日(星期一)17:30:00三、 選舉結果將公告於學會網頁。四、 物理學會網址:https://www.ps-taiwan.org/五、 社團法人台灣物理學會粒子與場學部第二屆候選人簡介,請下載附件檔案查看。六、 聯絡人:何路德 e-mail:conf@ps-taiwan.org電話:(02)2363-4923 傳真:(02)2362-6538 台灣物理學會 敬啟
學會公告 / 2021-11-19

社團法人台灣物理學會第55屆理監事改選通知函台灣物理學會會員 鈞鑒:台灣物理學會(以下簡稱本會)第55屆理監事投票作業將於2021年11月18日(星期四)至12月18日(星期六)為止。請永久會員/一般會員(老師及研究員)線上投票。茲依據本會選舉辦法,第54屆卸任前應選出理事21位、後補理事5位,監事5位、候補監事1位。理事、監事候選人由本會司選委員會依程序推薦。今有理事候選人38位、監事候選人9位,以通訊投票方式選舉。推選之理事/監事任期為2022年1月~2024年1月。理事/監事職權請參考本會章程(第15條至21條)。說明如後:一、 選票:至多請圈選理事21人、監事5人。二、 投票開始時間:2021年11月18日(星期四)12:00:00
投票結束時間:2021年12月18日(星期六)17:30:00三、 選舉結果將於2021年12月25日(星期六)公告於學會網頁。四、 物理學會網址:https://www.ps-taiwan.org/五、 社團法人台灣物理學會第55屆理事、監事候選人簡介請下載附檔。六、 聯絡人:何路德 e-mail:conf@ps-taiwan.org電話:(02)2363-4923 傳真:(02)2362-6538 台灣物理學會 敬啟
投票結束時間:2021年12月18日(星期六)17:30:00三、 選舉結果將於2021年12月25日(星期六)公告於學會網頁。四、 物理學會網址:https://www.ps-taiwan.org/五、 社團法人台灣物理學會第55屆理事、監事候選人簡介請下載附檔。六、 聯絡人:何路德 e-mail:conf@ps-taiwan.org電話:(02)2363-4923 傳真:(02)2362-6538 台灣物理學會 敬啟
學會公告 / 2021-11-17

物理學會全體同仁因故,於11/11日(四)休假一日,若您有急事,請以電子郵件聯繫,感謝您的體諒。造成不便,敬請見諒!台灣物理學會 敬啟會議經理 : conf@ps-taiwan.org
會務秘書 : office@ps-taiwan.org
助理編輯 : cjp@ps-taiwan.org
會務秘書 : office@ps-taiwan.org
助理編輯 : cjp@ps-taiwan.org
學會公告 / 2021-11-09

誠摯感謝您的支持與贊助,為台灣物理學會社群發展盡一份心力!匯款帳號:國泰世華銀行/八德分行 帳戶戶名:社團法人台灣物理學會
通訊欄備註:捐款為利後續開立捐款收據,煩請您於捐款後,e-mail 通知本會會務秘書office@ps-taiwan.org,謝謝您的協助。台灣物理學會電話:(02)2363-4923
通訊欄備註:捐款為利後續開立捐款收據,煩請您於捐款後,e-mail 通知本會會務秘書office@ps-taiwan.org,謝謝您的協助。台灣物理學會電話:(02)2363-4923
學會公告 / 2021-10-29

即日起受理 「台灣物理學會產業貢獻獎」
即日起受理「台灣物理學會產業貢獻獎」本年度受理日期:2021年10月25日至2021年11月25日!!表格下載:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L8 ... mp;rtpof=true&sd=true
學會公告 / 2021-10-25

2nd Circular on Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2021 December 1st to 3rd, 2021and Asia-Pacific Condensed Matter Physics Week
Division of Condensed Matter Physics Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies 2nd Circular on Asia-Pacific Conference on Condensed Matter Physics 2021December 1st to 3rd, 2021 and
Asia-Pacific Condensed Matter Physics Week The AC2MP2021 invited speaker list has been confirmed. The selection from contributed presentation is underway. We have already about 100 registrations of participants. Considering the short notice period for submission of presentation, the program committee has decided to extend the submission deadline for contributed talk by Oct. 16th. Also, we call for poster presentations from younger generation such as students. The deadline for poster presentation will be Oct. 30th. When you submit your contribution, please specify your preference. Participation fee is free, but you need to register to have the access to the online conference URL. Please join to this historical event in condensed matter physics in Asia-Pacific area.
學會公告 / 2021-10-06

Web of Science 公佈2019年期刊影響係數(Impact Factor,IF),《華人物理學刊》(Chinese Journal of Physics, CJP)在2019表現持續穩定上升,影響係數由2018年的 2.544 提升至2.638,期刊排名維持在Q2(30/85),以五年期影響係數來說,則是由2015年的0.468提升至2019年的1.849,感謝物理學界同仁們的共同努力,才能創下如此輝煌佳績。CJP發展至今不斷的成長茁壯,編輯團隊來自於國內外各領域的專家學者,協助審稿流程、提升論文品質,總計2020年現有國內編委39名、國外編委11名。在此敬邀國內物理同仁先進,將部分優質研究成果投稿至CJP發表,使CJP未來能與知名物理期刊並駕齊驅。
學會公告 / 2021-05-28

2022 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Taiwan公開徵求主題論壇
Call for Topical Symposia
2022 Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Taiwan公開徵求主題論壇
Call for Topical Symposia
學會公告 / 2021-05-10

學會公告 / 2020-07-31