在產業發展應用方面,由於無線傳輸應用(含行動通訊、無線感測網路與網際網 路等應用)之發展帶動了天線技術的需求與蓬勃應用,為開拓新的產業應用必須加深技術深度,儲備技術能量以備產業發展之需,其中高增益與智慧型應用之天線技術為最具潛力,具體應用如衛星通訊、行動通訊基地台等具備高產值的產業。在國防科技應用上,高增益與智慧型天線技術素來佔有舉足輕重的地位,保持國內通訊的發展能量是技術深植與生根最重要的部分。主辦單位: 財團法人光電科技工業協進會上課時間:2022年8月26日(五) 上午 09:00-12:00上課地點:線上進行(Webex)報名連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI ... 0-jlxNE5Kkpd7z2Q/viewformTel: 02-23967780 ext.211 (Sunny),ext.810 (Amy)課程議程:2022年8月26日(五)時間講題講師08:30~09:00報到09:00~09:05貴賓致詞群創光電股份有限公司楊柱祥總經理09:05~10:005G到B5G之MIMO天線設計景文科技大學電腦與通訊研究所陳一鋒教授兼電資學院院長10:00~10:10休息10:10~11:00使用液晶高分子軟性基板研製5G毫米波被動元件國立臺南大學電機工程學系陳居毓教授11:00~11:10休息11:10~12:006G通訊系統以及低軌道衛星天線設計案例逢甲大學電機工程學系沈昭元特聘教授
活動資訊 / 2022-08-04
2022 光世代實驗技術預備學校 開放報名中!
歡迎參加「2022光世代實驗技術預備學校」,隨著雷射科技與光學技術的突破,二十一世紀已來到光世代的飛躍進展。我們中央大學高能與強場物理研究中心自2020年起,今年已是連續第三年在暑假期間主辦「光世代實驗技術預備學校」,介紹雷射原理、超快光學、光譜技術、同步輻射、光學元件、光電儀器、電子技術、儀器電控、資料分析等實驗知識與技術,為參與學員投身先進光學研究做好預備,也為拓展產學應用、培養國家光電人才盡一份心力。歡迎各位一同進入「光世代」的尖端研究與創新應用。主辦單位:國立中央大學 強場物理與超快技術實驗室 高能與強場物理研究中心協辦單位:台灣物理學會上課時間:2022/9/5 (Mon) — 2022/9/8 (Thu) (共4天)上課方式:線上授課報名時間:即日起至2022/8/12(Fri)止聯絡人:朱旭新副教授(email)、黃淑惠小姐(email, 03-4227151#65391)報名一般人士報名連結:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TSNEj ... F-F32O8oVfTNkxNdjN8jG9r8/學生與教育學術單位優惠報名連結(須提供身分證明):
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10-aF2 ... 9ZZYfOTCKBO3ylmjuHJPb7hk/費用基礎課程:4,000元 (學生、教育學術單位優惠價2,000元)基礎課程+進階課程:5,000元 (學生、教育學術單位優惠價2,500元)課程內容基礎課程:
超快光學與高功率雷射、雷射電漿交互作用、同步輻射與自由電子雷射、原子分子光譜技術、電漿模擬系統與技術介紹師資陣容(依姓名筆劃排列):白植豪 國立中央大學物理系 教授
朱旭新 國立中央大學物理系 副教授
汪治平 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 研究員
周紹暐 國立中央大學物理系 助理教授
高仕麒 國立中央大學物理系 光電工程技師
翁茂勛 國立中央大學物理系 博士候選人
陳彥宏 國立中央大學光電系 教授
陳俞融 國立中央大學物理系 副教授
楊雅博 國立中央大學物理系暨中央研究院TIGP 博士候選人
劉偉強 國家同步輻射研究中心 副研究員
鄭宇翔 國立台灣大學電機系 助理教授課程時間表基礎課程進階課程日期時間課程名稱講師9/5 (Mon)10:00-10:50雷射原理(I)陳彥宏11:00-11:50雷射原理(II)13:00-13:50光學元件的特性與應用(I)鄭宇翔14:00-14:50光學元件的特性與應用(II)15:00-15:50光電儀器(I)楊雅博16:00-16:50光電儀器(II)9/6 (Tue)09:00-09:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(I)汪治平10:00-10:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(II)11:00-11:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(III)13:00-13:50非線性光學入門(I)陳彥宏14:00-14:50非線性光學入門(II)15:00-15:50真空技術(I)朱旭新16:00-16:50真空技術(II)9/7 (Wed)09:00-09:50儀器電控(I)高仕麒10:00-10:50儀器電控(II)11:00-11:50簡易計算與數據處理朱旭新13:00-13:50超快光學與高功率雷射(I)白植豪14:00-14:50超快光學與高功率雷射(II)15:00-15:50雷射電漿交互作用(I)周紹暐16:00-16:50雷射電漿交互作用(II)9/8 (Thu)09:00-09:50科學事業與研究生涯汪治平10:00-10:50同步輻射與自由電子雷射(I)劉偉強11:00-11:50同步輻射與自由電子雷射(II)13:00-13:50原子分子光譜技術(I)陳俞融14:00-14:50原子分子光譜技術(II)15:00-15:50電漿模擬系統與技術介紹(I)翁茂勛16:00-16:50電漿模擬系統與技術介紹(II)
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1TSNEj ... F-F32O8oVfTNkxNdjN8jG9r8/學生與教育學術單位優惠報名連結(須提供身分證明):
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10-aF2 ... 9ZZYfOTCKBO3ylmjuHJPb7hk/費用基礎課程:4,000元 (學生、教育學術單位優惠價2,000元)基礎課程+進階課程:5,000元 (學生、教育學術單位優惠價2,500元)課程內容基礎課程:
超快光學與高功率雷射、雷射電漿交互作用、同步輻射與自由電子雷射、原子分子光譜技術、電漿模擬系統與技術介紹師資陣容(依姓名筆劃排列):白植豪 國立中央大學物理系 教授
朱旭新 國立中央大學物理系 副教授
汪治平 中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 研究員
周紹暐 國立中央大學物理系 助理教授
高仕麒 國立中央大學物理系 光電工程技師
翁茂勛 國立中央大學物理系 博士候選人
陳彥宏 國立中央大學光電系 教授
陳俞融 國立中央大學物理系 副教授
楊雅博 國立中央大學物理系暨中央研究院TIGP 博士候選人
劉偉強 國家同步輻射研究中心 副研究員
鄭宇翔 國立台灣大學電機系 助理教授課程時間表基礎課程進階課程日期時間課程名稱講師9/5 (Mon)10:00-10:50雷射原理(I)陳彥宏11:00-11:50雷射原理(II)13:00-13:50光學元件的特性與應用(I)鄭宇翔14:00-14:50光學元件的特性與應用(II)15:00-15:50光電儀器(I)楊雅博16:00-16:50光電儀器(II)9/6 (Tue)09:00-09:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(I)汪治平10:00-10:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(II)11:00-11:50電子訊號的傳輸與放大(III)13:00-13:50非線性光學入門(I)陳彥宏14:00-14:50非線性光學入門(II)15:00-15:50真空技術(I)朱旭新16:00-16:50真空技術(II)9/7 (Wed)09:00-09:50儀器電控(I)高仕麒10:00-10:50儀器電控(II)11:00-11:50簡易計算與數據處理朱旭新13:00-13:50超快光學與高功率雷射(I)白植豪14:00-14:50超快光學與高功率雷射(II)15:00-15:50雷射電漿交互作用(I)周紹暐16:00-16:50雷射電漿交互作用(II)9/8 (Thu)09:00-09:50科學事業與研究生涯汪治平10:00-10:50同步輻射與自由電子雷射(I)劉偉強11:00-11:50同步輻射與自由電子雷射(II)13:00-13:50原子分子光譜技術(I)陳俞融14:00-14:50原子分子光譜技術(II)15:00-15:50電漿模擬系統與技術介紹(I)翁茂勛16:00-16:50電漿模擬系統與技術介紹(II)
活動資訊 / 2022-08-03
慶賀聯合國資助的國際純粹與應用物理學聯合會 (The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, IUPAP) 成立 100 週年,台灣物理學會、中央研究院、台灣大學共同主辦,並由國家科學及技術委員會擔任指導單位,將於 2022 年 10 月 29 - 30 日,舉辦聯合國 IUPAP 100 週年: 2022 國際女性科學科技聯合硏討會(100th IUPAP: 2022 International Joint Symposium of Women in Science and Technology)。
活動資訊 / 2022-08-03
活動資訊 / 2022-06-25
First Asia-Pacific IUPAP event on IUPAP 100 anniversary
IUPAP 百年紀念活動,為促進、刺激亞太地區物理研究社群的交流,於亞太地區舉辦的活動前哨(東京時間7/12,13:00-15:10):https://indico.cern.ch/event/1171459/IUPAP百年紀念主活動資訊(7/11-7/13,請於6/30前申請參加,無註冊費用):https://indico.ictp.it/event/9874/overview更多IUPAP百年紀念資訊:https://iupap.org/centennial/
活動資訊 / 2022-06-20
理論計算天文暑期學校 NCTS-TCA Summer Student Program 2022
【主辦單位】國家理論科學研究中心【活動連結】https://nctstca.github.io/events/202207-tcassp/【重要資訊】• 研習地點與時間:2022 年7月4日~7月6日:台大,工作坊研習7月1日~8月31日:依研習主題分組教學,研習地點依疫情狀況調整8月30日~8月31日:清大,成果發表• 報名連結 (2022年5月15日截止):https://docs.google.com/....../1FAIpQLSdoTPXt....../viewform• 參與獎助金:10000元 / 月。【聯絡人資訊】王小姐電話:02-33669932信箱:ncts-tca-cs@googlegroups.com
活動資訊 / 2022-04-29
台灣偵測器聯合實驗室(Taiwan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium, TIDC)與台大物理系將在 2022 夏天第一次舉辦高能實驗暑期學校。我們希望透過暑期學校,吸引更多大學物理系的學生,接觸高能實驗的研究領域。暑期學校除了有講座教授高能物理,理論與實驗教材,並安排每日下午的實驗實作課程,讓學生親自動手做高能實驗。我們尤其希望讓沒有高能物理研究領域大學的學生,有機會可以參與。~ 歡迎一同加入高能實驗領域 ~
• 研習期間:2022 年 6 月 27 日 至 7 月 2 日
• 研習地點:臺灣大學天文數學館 8樓 812室
• 報名截止:2022年5月20日,一律採線上申請
• 主辦單位:台灣偵測器聯合實驗室 / 臺大物理系
• 協辦單位:台灣物理學會 粒子與場學部
臺灣大學物理系 黃志欣 小姐
官網連結:http://pchgc02.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPr ... vents/2022-summer-school/
• 研習期間:2022 年 6 月 27 日 至 7 月 2 日
• 研習地點:臺灣大學天文數學館 8樓 812室
• 報名截止:2022年5月20日,一律採線上申請
• 主辦單位:台灣偵測器聯合實驗室 / 臺大物理系
• 協辦單位:台灣物理學會 粒子與場學部
臺灣大學物理系 黃志欣 小姐
官網連結:http://pchgc02.phys.ntu.edu.tw/WordPr ... vents/2022-summer-school/
活動資訊 / 2022-04-26
4/30(六)10:00 林清凉教授紀念會
臺大物理系將於 4/30(六)10:00 舉辦「林清凉教授紀念會」,紀念會當天流程預定如下: 10:00 "林清凉回憶錄"新書發表會(次震宇宙館7樓) 10:30 Tea time(次震宇宙館B1)10:45 紀念會(次震宇宙館B1)12:45 用餐(物理凝態館R104)
(亦可前往臺大物理系官網點選 最新消息→系辦公告 查看詳情) 煩請於 4月23日(六)晚上12:00前 完成線上報名,俾統計餐點數量;
誠心邀請您參加、出席本次紀念會活動,一起緬懷我們最敬愛的 林清凉 教授。
(亦可前往臺大物理系官網點選 最新消息→系辦公告 查看詳情) 煩請於 4月23日(六)晚上12:00前 完成線上報名,俾統計餐點數量;
誠心邀請您參加、出席本次紀念會活動,一起緬懷我們最敬愛的 林清凉 教授。
活動資訊 / 2022-03-18
A contest to celebrate the beauty of physics and the fun that can be encountered in its practice.
活動資訊 / 2022-03-11
Early Career Prizes in Semiconductor Physics awarded by the IUPAP C8 Commission on Semiconductors
Nominations are sought for the Early Career Prizes (previously Young Scientist Prizes) in Semiconductor Physics awarded by the IUPAP C8 Commission on Semiconductors. Two prizes are awarded biennially for outstanding contributions to semiconductor physics and its applications made by early career scientists with a maximum of 8 years of research experience (excluding career interruption) following the award of the PhD. The 8-year restriction will be measured based on the application deadline of Dec. 31, 2021. The prizes will be awarded during the 35 th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), which is to be held in Sydney, Australia from June 26 to July 1, 2022. The Prizes include commemorative IUPAP medals and 1000 Euros each and invited oral presentations at ICPS 2022.
Nomination procedure (also found at: https://www.iupap.org)
Nominees for the Early Career Prizes must be nominated by a senior member of the research community. Self-nominations are not accepted. A nomination for the prizes must contain the followings.
• A cover letter of not more than 1000 words by the nominator evaluating the nominee’s contributions to semiconductor physics and identifying the specific work to be recognized (up to 4 publications).
• A citation for the prize (not more than 25 words).
• A short CV of the nominee (not more than 3 pages).
• A list of publications.
• Two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination, at least one of which is not from a former supervisor of the nominee.
The nomination must be prepared in English and combined into a single consolidated PDF file, which is to be sent as an email attachment to the IUPAP-C8 Commission secretary at: gplatero@icmm.csic.es, with a copy to the Commission Chair at: ydkim@khu.ac.kr.
The deadline for submissions of nominations is December 31, 2021.
Selection procedure
The winners of the competition will be selected by the members of the IUPAP C8 Commission.
Previous Winners
2020 Cheng Gong & Michael Saliba
2018 Heejun Yang & Jean-Christophe Blancon
2016 Kimberly Dick Thelander & Samuel Stranks
2014 Xiaodong Xu & Rahul Nair
2012 Alberto Amo & Young Woo Son
2010 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero & Yuanbo Zhang
2008 Lieven Vandersypen
Nomination procedure (also found at: https://www.iupap.org)
Nominees for the Early Career Prizes must be nominated by a senior member of the research community. Self-nominations are not accepted. A nomination for the prizes must contain the followings.
• A cover letter of not more than 1000 words by the nominator evaluating the nominee’s contributions to semiconductor physics and identifying the specific work to be recognized (up to 4 publications).
• A citation for the prize (not more than 25 words).
• A short CV of the nominee (not more than 3 pages).
• A list of publications.
• Two additional letters of endorsement of the nomination, at least one of which is not from a former supervisor of the nominee.
The nomination must be prepared in English and combined into a single consolidated PDF file, which is to be sent as an email attachment to the IUPAP-C8 Commission secretary at: gplatero@icmm.csic.es, with a copy to the Commission Chair at: ydkim@khu.ac.kr.
The deadline for submissions of nominations is December 31, 2021.
Selection procedure
The winners of the competition will be selected by the members of the IUPAP C8 Commission.
Previous Winners
2020 Cheng Gong & Michael Saliba
2018 Heejun Yang & Jean-Christophe Blancon
2016 Kimberly Dick Thelander & Samuel Stranks
2014 Xiaodong Xu & Rahul Nair
2012 Alberto Amo & Young Woo Son
2010 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero & Yuanbo Zhang
2008 Lieven Vandersypen
活動資訊 / 2021-11-23
The 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics
Date: July 8th (Thur.) - 9th (Fri.), 2021
Venue: Lecture Hall, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, National Taiwan University (NTU)Registration Web page:
https://sites.google.com/phys.ncts.ntu ... 2021workshop/registrationThe 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, organized by the Focus Groups on Computational Materials Research (CMR), will be held on July 8th-9th 2021, in the National Center for Theoretical Sciences on the campus of National Taiwan University.The aim of this workshop is to promote interactions and collaborations among local physicists who employ first-principles electronic structure calculations in their research. The program will include invited talks delivered by domestic scholars and contributed talks by postdocs or PhD students.The Program Committee would also like to take this opportunity to identify the community members’ interests and concerns in order to plan fruitful and successful activities in the future. All participants, particularly PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, are encouraged to share their latest research results.
Thirty-minute reports by faculty members and thirty or fifteen-minute talks by postdocs or PhD students will be scheduled in the program.Please visit the workshop website for the speakers and more updated information.If you would like to contribute a talk in the workshop, please upload your title and email our secretary by June 15 Jean when you register. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the 19th workshop may be converted to a virtual meeting or postponed. We will continue to closely monitor the pandemic and the government news, and inform all participants if any change occurs.[COVID-19 Issue]1) Please ensure that you bring your own face masks and wear them at all times.
2) Please have your daily body temperature checked at the venue.
3) Please leave the staff your personal cellphone numbers for further contact if needed.
4) This workshop may be postponed or changed to online meeting,
depending on the COVID-19 development.Organizing committee:
Tay-Rong Chang - National Cheng Kung University
Yang-Hao Chan - Academia Sinica
Feng-Chuan Chuang- National Sun-Yat-Sen University
Guang-Yu Guo - National Taiwan University
Horng-Tay Jeng - National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Lin - Academia Sinica
Venue: Lecture Hall, 4F, Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, National Taiwan University (NTU)Registration Web page:
https://sites.google.com/phys.ncts.ntu ... 2021workshop/registrationThe 19th Workshop on First-Principles Computational Materials Physics, organized by the Focus Groups on Computational Materials Research (CMR), will be held on July 8th-9th 2021, in the National Center for Theoretical Sciences on the campus of National Taiwan University.The aim of this workshop is to promote interactions and collaborations among local physicists who employ first-principles electronic structure calculations in their research. The program will include invited talks delivered by domestic scholars and contributed talks by postdocs or PhD students.The Program Committee would also like to take this opportunity to identify the community members’ interests and concerns in order to plan fruitful and successful activities in the future. All participants, particularly PhD students and young postdoctoral researchers, are encouraged to share their latest research results.
Thirty-minute reports by faculty members and thirty or fifteen-minute talks by postdocs or PhD students will be scheduled in the program.Please visit the workshop website for the speakers and more updated information.If you would like to contribute a talk in the workshop, please upload your title and email our secretary by June 15 Jean when you register. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the 19th workshop may be converted to a virtual meeting or postponed. We will continue to closely monitor the pandemic and the government news, and inform all participants if any change occurs.[COVID-19 Issue]1) Please ensure that you bring your own face masks and wear them at all times.
2) Please have your daily body temperature checked at the venue.
3) Please leave the staff your personal cellphone numbers for further contact if needed.
4) This workshop may be postponed or changed to online meeting,
depending on the COVID-19 development.Organizing committee:
Tay-Rong Chang - National Cheng Kung University
Yang-Hao Chan - Academia Sinica
Feng-Chuan Chuang- National Sun-Yat-Sen University
Guang-Yu Guo - National Taiwan University
Horng-Tay Jeng - National Tsing Hua University
Hsin Lin - Academia Sinica
活動資訊 / 2021-05-31