一、求才內容:國立中央大學物理系徵求助理教授(含)以上職級之教師,從事教學、研究與服務工作。申請人須具備博士學位,申請者請於111年1月15日前將履歷、研究規畫、著作目錄、推薦信(至少三封)等文件寄至:桃園市中壢區中央大學物理系江袓永教授 (e-mail: otto@phy.ncu.edu.tw)。二、起聘時間:民國111年8月1日三、擬聘領域:無限制,歡迎各物理領域申請。四、聯 絡 人:劉怡貞 (e-mail: ncu5300@ncu.edu.tw, TEL: 03-4253749)五、聯絡地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學 物理系辦公室
徵才訊息 / 2021-10-25
國立清華大學物理學系暨天文研究所 誠徵教師二次公告
國立清華大學物理學系暨天文研究所誠徵助理教授級以上教師。教師需參與大學部及研究所之教學,能以英語授課、發展世界級的研究計畫,有成為我國乃至全球頂尖學者的潛力,具中文讀寫、溝通能力是重要的考量。有意者請寄送履歷 (含 research ID)、著作目錄、至多五篇代表著作、研究及教學計畫、三封(含)以上推薦信至人事委員會信箱 personnel@phys.nthu.edu.tw,截止日期為2021年11月15日,通過聘任程序者,自2022年8月1日起聘。有關本系相關資訊請至 http://phys.site.nthu.edu.tw/參閱
徵才訊息 / 2021-10-06
Tenure-Track Faculty Positions of Physics
The Department of Physics at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, is seeking to fill several faculty positions at all levels. The preferred areas of specialties, theoretical, computational, and experimental, will be on Quantum Matters, Quantum Computing, Quantum Optics, Astronomy, Cosmology, and other frontier fields of physics.Demonstration of team-spirits, pedagogical inspirations, and abilities to establish sustainable research programs are essential to the qualifications.The expected starting date is 02/01 or 08/01/2022. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in physics or closely-related fields, show convincing interests in mentoring students and be able to teach physics core courses at all levels, many of which lectured all in English. Some postdoctoral experience at international institutions is preferred for junior-rank applicants. Please have CV, list of publications, brief plans of research and teaching, and at least three letters of recommendation sent to Ms. Yu-Ching Hsu at physaa@mail.nsysu.edu.tw. Applications will be reviewed as they are received according to the following three deadlines: 09/30/2021, 10/30/2021 and 01/28/2022
徵才訊息 / 2021-09-15
本所擬延攬研究人員 (含助研究員、副研究員、研究員各等級, 相當於各大學院校之助理教授、副教授、教授)。歡迎從事以下相關領域研究之學者,加入物理所的研究團隊。應徵者必須具有博士或相當之學歷,並有適當之博士後研究經歷。
■ 量子材料物理領域 Quantum Materials Physicsü Electronic and spin correlated physics in emergent materials
ü Surface and interface physics
ü Growths and characterizations of nanomaterials
ü Quantum electronics devices
ü Nano-bio science and technology
ü Theoretical condensed matter physics
■ 中高能物理領域 Intermediate and High Energy Physicsü Collider Physics
ü Astroparticle Physic and Cosmology
ü Neutrino Physics
ü Hadron Physics and QCD
ü Particle physics phenomenology
ü Gravitation Physics■ 生物動態領域Active and Biological Systems (ABS)ü Polymer physics, soft matter physics, and rheology
ü Biomolecular physics and cellular physics
ü Collective phenomena, synchronization, and chaos in non-linear systems
ü Complex fluids in micro- and nano-fluidics
■ 量子材料物理領域 Quantum Materials Physicsü Electronic and spin correlated physics in emergent materials
ü Surface and interface physics
ü Growths and characterizations of nanomaterials
ü Quantum electronics devices
ü Nano-bio science and technology
ü Theoretical condensed matter physics
■ 中高能物理領域 Intermediate and High Energy Physicsü Collider Physics
ü Astroparticle Physic and Cosmology
ü Neutrino Physics
ü Hadron Physics and QCD
ü Particle physics phenomenology
ü Gravitation Physics■ 生物動態領域Active and Biological Systems (ABS)ü Polymer physics, soft matter physics, and rheology
ü Biomolecular physics and cellular physics
ü Collective phenomena, synchronization, and chaos in non-linear systems
ü Complex fluids in micro- and nano-fluidics
徵才訊息 / 2020-12-01