國立臺灣師範大學物理系 古煥宇助理教授 誠徵 『博士後研究員』
【職缺單位】 師範大學 物理系 古煥宇助理教授【職缺名稱】 博士後研究員【研究團隊以及計畫簡介】 執行國科會個人型計劃:量子資源純化理論,此研究團隊聚焦於量子資訊,量子資源理論以 及量子純化理論。此計劃將探討如何對量子糾纏、非局域性、通道、量測…..進行資源理論 量化及純化。將處理許多最佳化過程之問題。 目前研究團隊還十分年輕,但和國際國內許多團隊都有深入的合作關係。
【徵求條件】 1. 學歷背景可涵蓋但不限於物理、數學、資訊工程等理工相關科系之博士 學位。 2. 具有量子資訊背景、量子糾纏和非局域性背景之研究經驗者尤佳。 3. 具有學術熱忱並勇於挑戰。 4. 認真負責、積極主動。 5. 具備國際學術期刊英文撰寫能力與英文專業溝通能力。
【工作內容】 執行國科會計畫,進行理論推導以及數值模型建立,幫忙帶領團隊成員,以及期刊論文發表 和計劃撰寫。
【聘期】 起聘日到2025年07月31日。(每年審核研究表現決定續聘)
【待遇】 依據師範大學各職級研究人員敘薪規定辦理,可依資歷調整薪資。
【上班時間】 依本校相關規定辦理。休假依本校約用人員工作規則辦理。
【上班地點】 國立台灣師範大學公館校區
【應徵方式】 採隨到隨審之方式,請將下列資料以PDF檔email寄至huan.yu@ntnu.edu.tw 1.個人簡歷 2.詳細個人履歷 3.完整著作目錄(含代表作1-2篇) 4.最高學歷證書影本(※如持國外學歷者,投遞時須檢附經駐外單位驗證通過之證明文件 ;如屬大陸地區學歷者,須檢附教育部頒發之學歷認定函) 6.其他有利審查資料(例如:論文代表作) 信件標題為 「應徵博士後研究員 (姓名)博士」,合格者將盡快通知 安排面試,如資格不符或未獲錄取時,恕不另行通知。自發布招聘通知日起至招滿為止。
【徵求條件】 1. 學歷背景可涵蓋但不限於物理、數學、資訊工程等理工相關科系之博士 學位。 2. 具有量子資訊背景、量子糾纏和非局域性背景之研究經驗者尤佳。 3. 具有學術熱忱並勇於挑戰。 4. 認真負責、積極主動。 5. 具備國際學術期刊英文撰寫能力與英文專業溝通能力。
【工作內容】 執行國科會計畫,進行理論推導以及數值模型建立,幫忙帶領團隊成員,以及期刊論文發表 和計劃撰寫。
【聘期】 起聘日到2025年07月31日。(每年審核研究表現決定續聘)
【待遇】 依據師範大學各職級研究人員敘薪規定辦理,可依資歷調整薪資。
【上班時間】 依本校相關規定辦理。休假依本校約用人員工作規則辦理。
【上班地點】 國立台灣師範大學公館校區
【應徵方式】 採隨到隨審之方式,請將下列資料以PDF檔email寄至huan.yu@ntnu.edu.tw 1.個人簡歷 2.詳細個人履歷 3.完整著作目錄(含代表作1-2篇) 4.最高學歷證書影本(※如持國外學歷者,投遞時須檢附經駐外單位驗證通過之證明文件 ;如屬大陸地區學歷者,須檢附教育部頒發之學歷認定函) 6.其他有利審查資料(例如:論文代表作) 信件標題為 「應徵博士後研究員 (姓名)博士」,合格者將盡快通知 安排面試,如資格不符或未獲錄取時,恕不另行通知。自發布招聘通知日起至招滿為止。
徵才訊息 / 2023-11-10
徵 聘 專 任 教 師
二、起聘日期:113 年 8 月 1 日
(四) 請於以下網址 https://forms.gle/xsHy3S34krPC8BRx6 填列相關資料
(八) 著作目錄(附表一)
(九) 資料繳交確認表(附表二)
(十) 其他有利審查之資料
※ 若有國科會計畫、物理教育相關活動或成果請填寫並繳交附表三、附表四
註:附表一~附表四請至本系網頁(https://phy.nknu.edu.tw/engage/ )下載表格
(一)申請資料恕不退還,初審合格後須再進行試教、研究計畫說明及面談(日期預訂於 113 年 1 月中旬)(二)請於 112 年 11 月 30 日前(郵戳為憑,信封外請註明應徵教職)以掛號寄達:
824 高雄市燕巢區深中路 62 號
國立高雄師範大學 物理學系 系主任收
二、起聘日期:113 年 8 月 1 日
(四) 請於以下網址 https://forms.gle/xsHy3S34krPC8BRx6 填列相關資料
(八) 著作目錄(附表一)
(九) 資料繳交確認表(附表二)
(十) 其他有利審查之資料
※ 若有國科會計畫、物理教育相關活動或成果請填寫並繳交附表三、附表四
註:附表一~附表四請至本系網頁(https://phy.nknu.edu.tw/engage/ )下載表格
(一)申請資料恕不退還,初審合格後須再進行試教、研究計畫說明及面談(日期預訂於 113 年 1 月中旬)(二)請於 112 年 11 月 30 日前(郵戳為憑,信封外請註明應徵教職)以掛號寄達:
824 高雄市燕巢區深中路 62 號
國立高雄師範大學 物理學系 系主任收
徵才訊息 / 2023-10-17
中興大學物理系 誠徵專任教師一名
公告主旨:中興大學物理系 誠徵專任教師一名(112年11月05日截件)組 別:物理系公告日期:112年10月03日公告內容:資格及領域:具物理或相關領域博士學位,以實驗專長優先。職稱:助理教授(含)以上。起聘日期:2024年8月1日。收件截止日期:2023年11月5日。申請人請先填寫表單,並在表單最後上傳申請書(1個PDF檔及10MB限定)。表單連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t1Mv- ... STpPTV-A6R-mdLL7A4wk/edit在表單中,申請人須提供至少一篇代表作或專利(限2019年以後,最多五篇)。填寫其代表作或專利之1.網路連結,2.作者,3.著作名稱,4.期刊名稱、卷(期)頁次與出版年份,5. (非必要,但請盡量提供,可部分提供)期刊專業領域、 排名/期刊總數、影響係數及引用次數。上傳之申請書須包含且依下列資訊排列:1.個人學術簡歷,2.發表著作列表(請勿附上著作全文),3.未來研究規劃,4.三位推薦人資訊(申請時不用寄送推薦信),5.教學規劃。重要事項:(1)填完表單並上傳申請書後,我們將在一星期內,把確認信寄到表單中您填寫的email。若在一星期內,沒有收到我們的通知,請來信 recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw。(2)若表單中有填錯,或想要更新表單內容,請直接來信至recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw 告知欲更改的內容。(3)若有任何疑問,請在上班時間致電物理系系辦(04)22840427,或是以email聯絡:recruit@phys.nchu.edu.twFaculty Positions in Department of Physics National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, TaiwanThe Department of Physics invites applications for one faculty positions at all ranks beginning in August 2024. The position requires a doctorate degree in physics or related areas. Applicants with research focus in experimental physics are preferred; exceptionally qualified candidates may also be considered.Applicant should fill out an application form and upload the application materials by November 5, 2023 via the link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1t1Mv- ... STpPTV-A6R-mdLL7A4wk/editThe application form contains personal information, selected publications and references. For the publication section, one has to provide at least one scientific research paper, but no more than five, published in recent five years (namely not earlier than 2019), with 1. link to the publication; 2. authors; 3. title; 4. journal, volume, page number, and year; 5. (optional) categories of journal, ranking, impact factor, and citation. For the application materials, please prepare one PDF file, not bigger than 10MB, including (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a complete list of publications (but not full text of any publication), (3) research statements, (4) a list of three references, and (5) teaching plans.A confirmation letter will be sent to your email address within one week after you finish application on-line. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact with us via telephone: +886 (4) 22840427 or email: recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw.
徵才訊息 / 2023-10-03
中興大學奈米科學研究所 誠徵專任教師一名
資格及領域:具奈米、光電、材料相關領域博士學位。職稱:助理教授(含)以上。起聘日期:2024年8月1日。收件截止日期:2023年11月5日。申請人請先填寫表單,並在表單最後上傳申請書(1個PDF檔及10MB限定)。表單連結:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Fd8ug ... NrBY0-32NbtDNh1Tm6L4/edit 在表單中,申請人須提供至少一篇代表作或專利(限2019年以後,最多五篇)。填寫其代表作或專利之1.網路連結,2.作者,3.著作名稱,4.期刊名稱、卷(期)頁次與出版年份,5. (非必要,但請盡量提供,可部分提供)期刊專業領域、 排名/期刊總數、影響係數及引用次數。上傳之申請書須包含且依下列資訊排列:1.個人學術簡歷,2.發表著作列表(請勿附上著作全文),3.未來研究規劃,4.三位推薦人資訊(申請時不用寄送推薦信),5.教學規劃。重要事項:(1)填完表單並上傳申請書後,我們將在一星期內,把確認信寄到表單中您填寫的email。若在一星期內,沒有收到我們的通知,請來信 inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw。(2)若表單中有填錯,或想要更新表單內容,請直接來信至inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw 告知欲更改的內容。(3)若有任何疑問,請在上班時間致電奈米所所辦(04)22840466,或是以email聯絡:inano@phys.nchu.edu.twFaculty Positions in Institute of Nanoscience National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), Taichung, TaiwanThe Institute of Nanoscience invites applications for one faculty positions at all ranks beginning in August 2024. The position requires a doctorate degree in Nanotechnology, Optoelectronics, and Materials Science or related areas.Applicant should fill out an application form and upload the application materials by November 5, 2023 via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Fd8ug ... NrBY0-32NbtDNh1Tm6L4/edit The application form contains personal information, selected publications and references. For the publication section, one has to provide at least one scientific research paper, but no more than five, published in recent five years (namely not earlier than 2019), with 1. link to the publication; 2. authors; 3. title; 4. journal, volume, page number, and year; 5. (optional) categories of journal, ranking, impact factor, and citation. For the application materials, please prepare one PDF file, not bigger than 10MB, including (1) curriculum vitae, (2) a complete list of publications (but not full text of any publication), (3) research statements, (4) a list of three references, and (5) teaching plans.A confirmation letter will be sent to your email address within one week after you finish application on-line. If you do not receive the confirmation, please contact with us via telephone: +886 (4) 22840466 or email: inano@phys.nchu.edu.tw.
徵才訊息 / 2023-10-03
公告主旨:臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心徵聘專任研究員(112年10月31日截件)組 別:凝態科學研究中心公告日期:112年09月01日公告內容:國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心誠徵各級研究員(助理研究員、副研究員、研究員),歡迎國內外相關領域人才加入。
(1) 履歷表(含學經歷、國內外獎項及其他榮譽、主要專長及預定研究方向)
(2) 學位證明書及身分證正反面或護照影本
(3) 三封推薦信
(4) 五年內代表著作一篇
(5) 七年內參考著作一至五篇
(6) 著作目錄表
(7) 最高學歷之歷年成績單正本
(8) 研究計畫及經費、儀器需求
E-mail: cwli1828@ntu.edu.tw
(1) 履歷表(含學經歷、國內外獎項及其他榮譽、主要專長及預定研究方向)
(2) 學位證明書及身分證正反面或護照影本
(3) 三封推薦信
(4) 五年內代表著作一篇
(5) 七年內參考著作一至五篇
(6) 著作目錄表
(7) 最高學歷之歷年成績單正本
(8) 研究計畫及經費、儀器需求
E-mail: cwli1828@ntu.edu.tw
徵才訊息 / 2023-09-01
一、徵聘師資:助理教授 (含)以上,教授普通物理學課程二、資格:具教育部認可國內外大學物理或相關博士三、起聘日:113年2月1日或113年8月1日四、應繳資料: (一)履歷表(含自傳) (二)擬聘任、升等、改聘教師著作目錄一覽表 【請附代表作及參考著作電子檔】 (三)專科以上學校教師資格審查代表作合著人證明 (唯一作者免交) (四)博士畢業證書影本 (五)教師證書影本(無免附) (六)主要工作經歷證明影本 *以上(二)、(三)請下載表格填寫,參考著作請擇優勿超過10篇五、初審合格,擇優通知面試。六、應徵資料請於112年9月15日前 e-mail至recruit@phys.nchu.edu.tw 註明:應徵兼任教師-OOO(姓名) 連絡電話:04-22840427轉383 吳小姐七、本系網址:https://www.phys.nchu.edu.tw/
徵才訊息 / 2023-08-24
一、求才內容:國立中央大學物理系徵求助理教授(含)以上職級之教師,從事教學、研究與服務工作。申請人須具備博士學位,申請者請於112年11月30日前將求職說明、履歷、研究與教學規畫、著作目錄、推薦信(至少三封)等文件透過Academicjobsonline (https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25381) 網站上傳申請。二、起聘時間:民國113年8月1日三、擬聘領域:無特定限制,歡迎各物理領域申請。四、聯 絡 人:陳宣毅教授(e-mail: hschen@phy.ncu.edu.tw); 劉怡貞 (e-mail: ncu5300@ncu.edu.tw, TEL: 03-4253749)五、聯絡地址:桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學 物理系辦公室
徵才訊息 / 2023-08-22
Faculty Positions in Physics, Applied physics and Astrophysics at National Taiwan University (NTU)
The Department of Physics, the Graduate Institute of Applied Physics and the Graduate Institute of Astrophysics of National Taiwan University seek to fill several faculty positions, effective August 2024, at the Assistant, Associate or Full Professor level commensurate with qualifications. Serious consideration will be given to outstanding candidates in all fields of physics. Priority will be given to candidates who research focus on cutting edge condensed matter physics, high energy physics, and astronomy and astro-particles.
For condensed matter physics, we welcome applicants with excellent track records in theoretical and experimental physics in the areas related to quantum science and materials, implementation and development of spectroscopic/microscopic techniques based on table-top laser and transport spectroscopy, synchrotron or neutron radiation. Priority will be given to candidates with strong theoretical condensed matter physics research background who demonstrate the potential to collaborate closely with the experimentalists in current groups working on quantum materials, quantum nonlinear optics, and quantum transports. Candidates with other excellent track-record of research not mentioned above will also be given serious consideration. Our department offer competitive and collaborative research environment, and are equipped with broad range of research facilities, such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron/tunneling microscopy, ultrafast optical spectroscopy, dilution fridge, SQUID, and etc. For high-energy physics, serious consideration will be given to outstanding experimental candidates. Experience with hardware is a plus. The NTU High Energy Experimental group currently participates the large hadron collider CMS experiment,the JUNO neutrino experiment, and the B factory Belle II experiment. For astronomy, candidates with expertise in all fields of astrophysics are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be able to teach effectively at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and conduct a vigorous research program at the same time. Postdoctoral or faculty experience is highly desirable. Applications should be submitted through Academic jobs online and should include a CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation.(Address of web page: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25265 ) Please make sure all the materials arrive before Dec. 1st, 2023. Application review will begin on Dec. 1, 2023, until all positions are filled.
For condensed matter physics, we welcome applicants with excellent track records in theoretical and experimental physics in the areas related to quantum science and materials, implementation and development of spectroscopic/microscopic techniques based on table-top laser and transport spectroscopy, synchrotron or neutron radiation. Priority will be given to candidates with strong theoretical condensed matter physics research background who demonstrate the potential to collaborate closely with the experimentalists in current groups working on quantum materials, quantum nonlinear optics, and quantum transports. Candidates with other excellent track-record of research not mentioned above will also be given serious consideration. Our department offer competitive and collaborative research environment, and are equipped with broad range of research facilities, such as transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron/tunneling microscopy, ultrafast optical spectroscopy, dilution fridge, SQUID, and etc. For high-energy physics, serious consideration will be given to outstanding experimental candidates. Experience with hardware is a plus. The NTU High Energy Experimental group currently participates the large hadron collider CMS experiment,the JUNO neutrino experiment, and the B factory Belle II experiment. For astronomy, candidates with expertise in all fields of astrophysics are encouraged to apply. Candidates should be able to teach effectively at both graduate and undergraduate levels, and conduct a vigorous research program at the same time. Postdoctoral or faculty experience is highly desirable. Applications should be submitted through Academic jobs online and should include a CV, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and three letters of recommendation.(Address of web page: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/25265 ) Please make sure all the materials arrive before Dec. 1st, 2023. Application review will begin on Dec. 1, 2023, until all positions are filled.
徵才訊息 / 2023-08-09
成大物理系誠徵專任教師(113/ 8/1起聘)
(自113年8月1日起聘)。應徵者請將以下資料於112年11月15日前寄至台南市大學路1號成功大學物理系 羅光耀教授收或EMAIL至 monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw (陳小姐)• 個人履歷、學經歷證明文件• 研究計畫書• 推薦函三封• 包含Publication List等其他證明文件• 寄件/email標題請註明: 應徵成大物理系教職詳細資訊請至 http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw 瀏覽Faculty Positions in Department of PhysicsNational Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, TaiwanThe Physics Department at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), one of the best institutes in Taiwan, invites applications in all areas of Physics for tenured/tenure-track faculty appointments with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2024. The initial appointment rank will depend on the qualifications and experience of the applicant. Candidates should exhibit the potential to develop and lead an independent, vibrant, world-class research program and share a commitment to undergraduate and graduate education by teaching courses and supervising graduate and undergraduate research.Each applicant should arrange for a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, publication list, and at least three recommendation letters to be submitted online at this website or emailed to:Prof. Kuang-Yao, Lo (Chairperson)Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University1 University Road, Tainan, Taiwan 70101monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw (Monica Chen)Please indicate “NCKU Physics faculty position” in the email subject. For more details, please refer to our website at https://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/en/.All supporting materials must be received by November 15, 2023, for full consideration. Complete applications received before the deadline will be reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The recruitment call will continue until the positions are filled. Potential candidates may direct inquiries to the Department Administrator Monica Chen ( monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw ).
(自113年8月1日起聘)。應徵者請將以下資料於112年11月15日前寄至台南市大學路1號成功大學物理系 羅光耀教授收或EMAIL至 monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw (陳小姐)• 個人履歷、學經歷證明文件• 研究計畫書• 推薦函三封• 包含Publication List等其他證明文件• 寄件/email標題請註明: 應徵成大物理系教職詳細資訊請至 http://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw 瀏覽Faculty Positions in Department of PhysicsNational Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, TaiwanThe Physics Department at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), one of the best institutes in Taiwan, invites applications in all areas of Physics for tenured/tenure-track faculty appointments with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2024. The initial appointment rank will depend on the qualifications and experience of the applicant. Candidates should exhibit the potential to develop and lead an independent, vibrant, world-class research program and share a commitment to undergraduate and graduate education by teaching courses and supervising graduate and undergraduate research.Each applicant should arrange for a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, publication list, and at least three recommendation letters to be submitted online at this website or emailed to:Prof. Kuang-Yao, Lo (Chairperson)Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University1 University Road, Tainan, Taiwan 70101monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw (Monica Chen)Please indicate “NCKU Physics faculty position” in the email subject. For more details, please refer to our website at https://www.phys.ncku.edu.tw/en/.All supporting materials must be received by November 15, 2023, for full consideration. Complete applications received before the deadline will be reviewed on a first-come-first-serve basis. The recruitment call will continue until the positions are filled. Potential candidates may direct inquiries to the Department Administrator Monica Chen ( monica@phys.ncku.edu.tw ).
徵才訊息 / 2023-08-01
國立政治大學應用物理研究所誠徵專任教師乙名 一、徵聘職位:專任助理教授(含)以上一名二、資格:具物理或電機相關之博士學位者,且有博士後研究經驗或相關教學研究資歷三、領域:理論物理及科學計算領域為優先。能教授物理研究所核心課程,例如:統計力學、量子力學、電動力學等其中一門,並能教授電子物理學士班之應用數學、工程數學等課程。具「英語教學」能力,具中文讀寫及溝通能力。四、檢附資料:1. 個人履歷2. 最高學歷及相關學經歷證明(如為外國學歷,應於相關駐外館處辦妥驗證)3. 教師證書影本(無者免附)4. 論文著作目錄及數篇代表著作全文5. 未來之研究計畫6. 可開授課程及教學計畫,及相關教學經驗7. 推薦函三封,請推薦人逕以電子郵件寄至 physics@nccu.edu.tw8. 其他有利於申請之相關證明或文件9. 填寫專任教師應徵資料表(如附檔)五、收件日期:請於112年10月15日前email電子檔至physics@nccu.edu.tw郵件標題請註明「應徵應物所教師」(若檔案過大請以雲端硬碟分享)六、擬起聘日期:最早112學年第2學期(113年02月01日)七、聯絡人:邵小姐Tel: 02-29393091轉67767E-mail: physics@nccu.edu.tw
徵才訊息 / 2023-07-27
The Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of particle and gravitational physics, physics of active and biological systems, and quantum materials physics. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, granular and soft matter, cell biophysics, physics of biomolecules and polymers, statistical physics, and fluidic phenomena. The recruitment is generally targeted at the Assistant Research Fellow level, but candidates with exceptional qualifications will be considered at more senior ranks.As Academia Sinica is the most prominent research institution in Taiwan, our institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in physics research. Faculty can enjoy doing research in a well-equipped environment, and have the chance to apply for various research projects funded by the government or Academia Sinica itself, for example NSTC 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholar Program, Academia Sinica Career Development Award, Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award, etc.The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or related areas, and preferably at least two years of postdoctoral experience. She/he is expected to continue a strong tradition of the Institute in earning international recognitions in her/his research fields.The application materials should be submitted via the AcademicJobsOnline, and should include a cover letter describing the major accomplishments of the applicant, a curriculum vitae, complete publication list selecting up to five representative journal publications, a statement on future research directions and plans, and the names and contacts of at least three senior scientists who can provide references (or arrange the recommendation letters to be submitted directly via the AcademicJobsOnline). The recruitment starts now until the positions are filled.
徵才訊息 / 2023-07-13
The Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the areas of particle and gravitational physics, physics of active and biological systems, and quantum materials physics. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to, granular and soft matter, cell biophysics, physics of biomolecules and polymers, statistical physics, and fluidic phenomena. The recruitment is generally targeted at the Assistant Research Fellow level, but candidates with exceptional qualifications will be considered at more senior ranks.As Academia Sinica is the most prominent research institution in Taiwan, our institute is committed to the pursuit of excellence in physics research. Faculty can enjoy doing research in a well-equipped environment, and have the chance to apply for various research projects funded by the government or Academia Sinica itself, for example NSTC 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholar Program, Academia Sinica Career Development Award, Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award, etc.The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. degree in physics or related areas, and preferably at least two years of postdoctoral experience. She/he is expected to continue a strong tradition of the Institute in earning international recognitions in her/his research fields.The application materials should be submitted via the AcademicJobsOnline, and should include a cover letter describing the major accomplishments of the applicant, a curriculum vitae, complete publication list selecting up to five representative journal publications, a statement on future research directions and plans, and the names and contacts of at least three senior scientists who can provide references (or arrange the recommendation letters to be submitted directly via the AcademicJobsOnline). The recruitment starts now until the positions are filled.
徵才訊息 / 2023-07-13