Undergraduates Student Thesis Award

The Winners of the 2013 Undergraduates Student Thesis Award

 The Winners of the 2013 Undergraduates Student Thesis Award 

林建豪臺灣大學物理系Quantification of Linear Entropy for Quantum Entanglement in He, H¯ and Ps¯ ions using highly-correlated Hylleraas Functions何耀錦
洪浩哲彰化師範大學物理系Electronic Transport and Schottky Barrier Heights of P-Type CuAlO2 Schottky Diodes林祐仲
陳伯達臺灣大學物理系Restoration of Derivative Discontinuity in Kohn-Sham Density Functional Theory: An Efficient Scheme for Energy Gap Correction蔡政達